Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Updated List

I feel like I am getting back on track.  With summer break, things tend to just get so crazy with our schedules.

Two weeks from today we start school, and we will have a 5th and a 3rd grader.  YIKES!!!

My list is getting shorter and shorter and I haven't had to add anything on - yet. :)

1. Call orthodontist to schedule both Victoria and Logan's first appointments.
2. Call eye doctor to schedule both Victoria and Logan's check ups.
3. Call dentist to reschedule their cleanings - since we missed them.
4. Make math flashcards for review - since the ones from the school year conveniently disappeared. - will be finished by end of today!
5. Get Logan's football schedule and Victoria's cheer schedule to family members. - still waiting to get Logan's schedule from coaches.
6. Finish Victoria's birthday present.
7. Blog about Logan's baseball season.
8. Organize my coupons.
9. Make grooming appointment for Diesel - since I totally forgot today's appointment.
10. Finish school supply shopping. - ALMOST FINISHED!!!
11. Finish landscaping front yard. - This is being put off till end of September or at least till things slow down.

It feels so good to get things checked off lists.  Accomplishments are a great feeling!

Enjoy your day! :)

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