Sunday, August 23, 2009

Vacation Time!

We left for vacation on a Friday night and made it to Pennsylvania in exactly 13 hours. We learned that the drive goes MUCH quicker when everyone is asleep. We spent Saturday just relaxing and hanging out with my sister. It was a nice to be able to catch up with her and play with Aiden.
On Sunday we went to church where my brother and sister go to church. We had a nice time. It was a rainy day and I am pretty sure we were all praying that it would clear up before Aiden's birthday party! Well when we came out of church the sun was shining!! Aiden had a great first birthday!!
Monday through Thursday we enjoyed time with my family. Hanging out at the pool, getting together for dinner and letting the kids be kids! I was even able to babysit Aiden one day. He is so cute and growing so fast!

On Thursday we headed to Chesapeake City where my parents have their boat. We were able to stay on the boat till Sunday and had a blast!! We spent the days in the sun and water and the evenings cooking out.

Finally Freyday is the name of their boat.
The marina where they keep their boat.

Logan enjoying some fishing.

Mommy, Victoria and Logan. Watching the sunset.

Victoria and Grandfather going for a ride in the dingy.

Cooling off in the water....not much cooling off though since the water was around 85 degrees.

Victoria driving the boat....with Grandfathers help.

Ok...I know some kids love water...but this girl is CRAZY in the water. She has no fear and since I am VERY afraid of water it DRIVES me nuts!!! Thankfully Daddy was around otherwise I don't think I would have let her in the water. Especially when the tide came in and NONE of us could touch.

She was in the water so much that her fingers and toes looked like raisins.

Heading back to the Marina for dinner.

Love his smile!!

Hanging on Daddy....getting ready to head back to the Marina to head home. :(
We spent one last day in Pennsylvania before heading home on Tuesday. What a LONG trip that was. It took us about 14.5 hours to get home. UGH! It was a great trip and we enjoyed spending the time with my family. The kids love having time with Grandfather and MomMom.

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

I am so glad that you had a great time!!

I love the black and white picture of Logan!!