Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bowling Fun

The past few weekends we have been having so much fun with the kids. Kevin and I went bowling with our Sunday School classes and ever since Logan has been wanting to go too. So last Friday we surprised the kids with an evening of dinner and Bowling. They loved it!!! Thank goodness for the bumper guards. It could have been a long night without them. :)

I just love this little girl so much and am so proud of the way she is growing up and showing love towards others.

Daddy and Logan having a blast together. They are BOTH competitive and think they just HAVE to win!! Well...neither of them won. Julie beat Kevin good...and she deserved it after how much he picked on her!!!

One of Logan's buddies. These two boys are so much a like. I think they could be a bit of trouble this summer! :) Nathan was really good at bowling...although at first he didn't really want to do it because he wasn't winning. What is it with boys?!??!

This picutre isn't from the same night but of the week before. I just had to put it up here. Isn't she beautiful , skinny and young looking!!

Getting ready to do some bowling!! I love spending time with my family. We had so much fun together and made some good memories!!!

Cute picture, you two!! What else can I say?!?! I have seen a different side of Jeremy the past couple of weeks. This guy can make us all just hurt from laughing!! And of course when him and Kevin are together...they too are dangerous. They get these CRAZY ideas!!!

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

Wow!! Young, skinny and Beautiful!! You are so kind!!