Thursday, April 02, 2009

My Little Logan....

I don't think I have posted on here about Logan. A couple of months ago we were having our morning devotions and before we finished Logan told me that he wanted to be saved. I asked him if he understood what it meant to be saved. He told me that Jesus died on the cross for his sins and that he was sorry for sinning and wanted to be saved. :) I was so excited. Logan and I sat at our kitchen table that morning and we prayed. He was so proud and wanted to call everyone.

As I went to work that day I remember think that 'we will all be there now'. I will admit that before Logan was saved I was nervous/scared/hesitant about the Lords return...only because I wanted Logan to be saved. I wanted to know for sure that my entire family was in heaven...but that morning I had peace. I knew that we would all be there when the Lord returns. As a mommy I could not have been more proud.

Well, this week at school he has been learning about the death and Resurrection of Christ. He has been so tender toward the story. On Wednesday Kevin had Logan call me while I was working and Logan told me the entire story. He sounded so sad when he spoke about them "whopping" Jesus. He even knew they used a cat of nine tails. Every night he sits in bed and looks at the Resurrection story in his Bible and we read it together.

I am so thankful that both Victoria and Logan are able to learn about Christ at school. It is a sacrifice for us to send them there, but both Kevin and I are so thankful that we have made this decision together. We haven't thought differently since!


a joyful nusiance said...

That is the best thing, knowing they will all be there!!

Kelly Glupker said...

I'm glad you're making the sacrifice too. Good Christian schools are not easy to find!

MommaHarms said...

It does sound like you found a good school. I think we've already decided that's where our kids will go provided we can afford it. Now to just decide when to start (kindergarten or K-4)