Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Spring Clothes!!!

Well, this week has been a quiet week for me at work. I know that it is just the calm before the storm but at the same time this quiet week has given me the strength to get through the upcoming couple of weeks. Being home on time this week I have been able to concentrate on my family and spending time with them in the evening....which I LOVE!!!

Kevin's back is continuing to give him problems. The steroid shots that he is receiving seem to "wear" off after 3 weeks exactly. We go to see one of his doctors next week and are hoping for some more answers. I know the Lord is in control and I will continue to pray that surgery is not needed. As for work, he is hoping the weather grows warmer and the phone starts ringing!!

Tonight Victoria and Logan each received a package from their Grandfather and MomMom! They were so excited. I made them wait till we got home to open the packages. I was able to snap a few pictures....
Those of you who know Logan know how much he LOVES money!! He was so excited when he started opening up his envelope!!

Victoria and one of her dresses that she got! She was in desperate need of spring dresses too! Last year all of her dresses were a 6...this year 7 and maybe even 8's by the end of the season!!

Logan loves ANY type of clothing that has ANYthing to do with sports! I am sure by the end of summer this shirt will no longer be white! :)

He was digging into his package so excited to dig out what he could!!!

Victoria and her money!! Thanks Grandfather and MomMom!!!

I love his cute smile!! It is very rare that I can snap a picture of him with his eyes open!! He is like his daddy...flash goes off...eyes go closed.

The three of us....don't you love Victoria's glasses?!?! I think she looks so cute with them on. Now if I could just teach her to keep them on.


a joyful nusiance said...

I think Nathan has that same basketball shirt!!

a joyful nusiance said...

BTW, I LOVE the hair!!

MommaHarms said...

Yes, love the glasses

Unknown said...

Packages are the BEST! It's so fun to get stuff in the mail and even more fun when it's from family, eh? I hear you on the clothes. Chloe keeps growing like a weed. I can't believe Chloe's wearing size 6 already!

Victoria looks so grown up in her new glasses! And very much like her mommy. :)

mom2mine said...

My kids LOVE packages in the mail too. So much fun.

I LOVE her new glasses.

One of these days she will keep them on :) She likes to keep them clean too :)

Kelli said...

Great pictures!! Victoria's glasses look so cute on her =) Can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!