Friday, February 09, 2007

The Candyland Ball 2007

Well, after a long week of doctor appointments, little sleep and just plain ol' feeling yucky Victoria was able to go to the Ball tonight with Daddy. We had a fun time getting her ready. It brought tears to my eyes when she was all done.
We started by putting her hair in rollers and then curling it up some more. She doesn't have a whole lot of hair to begin with but I tried to do best with what she has. I did have Kevin pick up some baby's breath so I put a little "crown" of that in her hair. She thought that was really neat!
We got her all dressed and then from there the 4 of us met our friends for a little dinner. The Daddy's and princesses left from the restaurant and we hung out there for a bit. We headed over to the local McDonald's so the little boys could play on the play land.
***side note***Before we left, I noticed that Logan wasn't feeling so well and come to find out, he had a temp of 102.3. AGH! I wasn't sure how he would do, but he played fine. He didn't seem to bad till we went to leave McDonald's.
While they were playing I kept on thinking about Victoria and how she was doing with Daddy! About 45 minutes later I was able to find didn't go so well. They got there, got their pictures taken and got some ice cream. Victoria went to go out on the dance floor and the music changed. It went from a cute song to a pretty loud song. Kevin said she got unsure of herself and a bit scared too. He tried to bring her back out, but she wanted nothing to do with it. She kept telling him that she was tired and that she wanted to go home. Poor girl! I think it was a combination of the long week, being a bit tired and just being in such a loud situation. We will see about next year. She said she had fun dressing up like a princess and spending time with her daddy! That is all that matters, right???
Here are a few pictures of Victoria before we headed out with our Princess...oh, and me because I sent your pictures to the pharmacy for you to pick them up, but before you do, call me first!!!

My beautiful little girl!!!

She loved her hair so much...she loves it when I curl it "all up" as she calls it.

Her poses crack me up sometime!! She thinks she is a model.

It is hard to believe that she was my first born...they grow up so fast!

Posing again!

Thanks MomMom for the Dress! I love it and can't wait to wear it again for Easter!!!
(She will probably be able to wear it for a few years!!!)

Well after a long night out, they are both in bed sound asleep. Hopefully tomorrow they will be all rested and feeling better!


Anonymous said...

AWWWW What a doll! We miss you guys! I can't wait til natalie can enjoy being dressed up. (Although that doesn't stop me, but now that she's crawling, frilly dresses just don't work). My "firstborn" (and onlyborn) will be one in exactly one month, and she finally has a tooth! Hope to see you guys soon!


Anonymous said...

Victoria you look so beautiful. I like your green dress. Love, Mady

Unknown said...

Absolutely gorgeous, dahling! :) I love her pose in that last shot. What a doll!

I'm glad you and Logan got to do something special too. How is he feeling today?

Girl, you are going to HAVE to give me e-lessons on doing a little one's hair! I'm at such a loss.

Kelli said...

Victoria, you look beautiful! I love your curls and your beautiful green dress! Miss you! Love, Aunt Kelli

Heather said...

Nicole...we miss you guys too! Thanks for keeping up with our blog!! YEAH Natalie!! One tooth!!!

Mady...Victoria says she can't wait to see you this summer so you can go swimming together!!

Alicia...this time, I rolled her hair and then pulled some up in bobby pins, put baby's breath in it and the losely pulled more hair up with bobby pins! I love doing her hair, although i too was lost when I first started doing her hair!! should have seen her twirlling around before we left for the Ball. I think she liked to do that the most!

MommaHarms said...

I saw Victoria at school yesterday. I asked her about the ball and she said it was fun, so I guess the trauma is better! :)


Visit us on said...

She looked beautiful! I'm so glad she was able to go!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Victoria looks beautiful! I love the "Candyland Ball" idea-- it gave me inspiration for Olivia's birthday. I'm so glad that we have been able to "reconnect" and see all the happenings in our families. Take care! Leah

MommaHarms said...

Hey Heather,

We set up a blog too. Check it out! (Yes, we copied you, but I was tired of grandparents asking the same questions over and over LOL)
