Sunday, February 25, 2007

Please Pray!!!

Could I ask you to please pray for this little boy??!! His name is Ethan. His Mommy and I were best friends through Jr. and Sr. High School. Her and I dated best friends growing up and she was a Matron of Honor in my wedding. Her little boy is probably 2 years old and is in the hospital right now. They are not sure what exactly is wrong with him, but he may have had the flu and it affected his little heart. This past week when he was taken to the hospital they put fluids in his little body, but his body just couldn't handle it. He flat lined (his heart stopped) and his mommy was told to come and say her goodbye's to him. Right now they have him sedated so that he doesn't pull any tubes out and they have a machine doing the work for his heart so his heart doesn't have to work at all. They are hoping that since his heart is "resting" it is able to get it's strength back. He can be on this machine for up to 14 days.
Please pray for his Mommy, Daddy and his two older sisters. They are saved and know that the Lord is in control, but it has got to be hard to just wait and see if he will come out of this OK. Also, Ami (the mommy) is pregnant. She recently had a miscarriage so please pray for her strength and endurance!!

Thank you so much ahead of time for your prayers for this little one. I will update as I become aware of anything!!


MommaHarms said...

Tim and I are praying!

Shyla said...

hey heather,
i just saw amy in november and i was going to call you and see if you had heard anything about ethan or not. I am glad that you know and we are still praying.

ashley said...

I remember her from High Point. I'll be praying for them.

Unknown said...

Wow, my heart aches just thinking about having to go through that! We'll pray over here. Keep us posted.

Kelli said...

We will be praying! Your mom told us about him this weekend. We have been touching base with Heath & Jamie, too.