Monday, February 19, 2007

A Few More Hours...

It has been a long week without Daddy here at home, but we have survived!! He should be home in just a few more hours!! I talked to him a little while ago and he sounds so tired.

Last night I kept calling him because I was so bored. He couldn't imagine why I was bored..duh, I do have 2 children to take care of. The truth be told, while he has been gone I have vacuumed every carpeted area 2 or 3 times, scrubbed every floor in the house, organized all the bedroom closets, bathroom closets, hallway closets. I also cleaned out all of the kitchen cabinets, cleaned up the laundry area and organized the office. The laundry is all caught up, our taxes have been filed and I am TOTALLY exhausted!!!

I didn't say much on Valentines Day about Kevin because we were so busy getting ready for him to leave...With him being gone over the last week, I realize even more how much he means to me! He helps me do so much that I take for granted!! He is the love of my life and I am so thankful that the Lord brought him into my life 7 years ago this month! He knows the way I like my coffee, he loves having dinner ready for him when I walk in the door and he knows how to pick up after himself. He works hard to provide for his family and supports me as I work outside of the home. Together, I think we make a great team. I love sitting in the living room after the kids are in bed and just talking and praying with him as husband and wife. Thanks, Babe, for everything you do for me and for our children!! I love you!!

1 comment:

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Heather, I am so so happy for you! I got a little lump in my throat as I read your post because I remember the talks we used to have about our futures. How good God is to us! May we continue to trust Him! Love you girl!