Friday, June 02, 2006

So sorry for not updating sooner! We have been crazy busy here at work and at home!

Thank you so much for your prayers and everyone! I know the Lord is in control, and I continue to rest in that! I did have my interview last Friday. Needless to say, I have heard nothing since then. I did receive a call from another company today, that is interested in seeing me face to face!!! We had a phone "interview" and the next step she said would be to come into the office!! I was so excited after I hung up with her. She was in the HR Department and was going to forward my resume to the Manager of the Department I would work in!! She said she would be in touch with me by Monday to set up a time for me to be come into the office.

My current position will be eliminated on June 15th! Thinks have been crazy here in the office. I have to pack everything up and ship it out to our office in needless to say I have been working my tail off this week.

I will continue to keep you all up dated and let you know the out come. I also have some pictures of our last camping weekend...I need to get them up too...I will try to get that up ASAP!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!!!!!


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