Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers Day to you all!! I hope everyone is enjoying Mothers Day!
This morning in our 3 & 4 year old Sunday School class, we learned about Moses and how his mom loved him enough to hide him from the King who wanted him dead! Not only was she a loving Mom, but she was willing to create a safe haven for Moses even if she was going against the king and possibly lose her own life because of hiding him. WOW!! What a Godly Mother!
As a mom, I pray that my children will continue to be brought up in a Godly, loving home! I will one day have to answer for the way I have brought them up. That is such a huge responsibility to me!
Today as I sit back and reflect on my children, I am so thankful for what the Lord has given to me! Victoria and Logan have changed my life in so many ways!
I love them both and understand now more than ever what unconditional love is!
This year, we had plans to go to church, take Kevin's Grandma out to brunch, bring the kids back for a nap, and then go to dinner with Kevins dad! Well that has changed...
Logan got sick last night around 10PM, and the rest of the night was down hill for us both. I got up this morning and took Victoria to Sunday School. We didn't make it all the way through Sunday School. She got sick quicker than I could get the trash can. :( If felt so bad for her. She kept saying to me, "happy mothers day, mommy, I am so sorry". What a sweety! Her and I went on home and as soon as I walked through the door, Logan was getting sick on the gatorade Kevin had given him not 5 minutes before.
Well, it has been a crazy afternoon. Load after load of laundry and scrubbing up after the kids. Kevin keeps saying "sorry" to me, but this is what Mothers Day is all about. I am a mom, I am going to have sick kids! :) It is all ok! I love my kids and wouldn't want it any other way!
I really do hope that you all out there are having a wonderful Mother's Day!
Let me know what your family did for you!


Unknown said...

Aw, that's so sweet of Victoria to say that! you'll have to take a raincheck on the traditional meals out for mother's day. Praise the Lord for your family - that's what mother's day is really about.

Katie said...

Yes, a raincheck is definitely in order! I'm SO sorry your kiddos are sick! No fun! But, what a loving mom you really are proving yourself to be, this Mother's Day. Your kids are so blessed.

Unknown said...

I forgot to add that I don't think I could have done what Moses' mom did. I would have had a REALLY hard time just floating Chloe away in a basket and letting the Lord take care of her. What great faith!

S said...

I loved the part in your post 'this is what Mother's Day is about'. It's what you do 364 other days of the year. Definetly take a raincheck! It's so sweet that your little ones were sensitive to you, it's not like they can help being sick.

Karen said...

What a sweetheart Victoria is, apologizing for being sick. That says something about your parenting! Great attitude through it all, and I'm sure Kevin & the kids will more than make up for it!

Kelli said...

We are always on the same bible story each week! =) I can just hear Vicotoria saying that to you - poor sweet girl! I am sorry that your day didn't go as planned, but you still had a great attitude and took care of what was most important in being a mother - your children! Hope they are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.