Tuesday, May 16, 2006

He is in Control

Please pray for Kevin and I...

Yesterday while at work, I was called into a meeting. At the meeting we were told that our office would be closing 45 days from now! WOW!! We knew for the past week that it could be a possibility, but I was really praying that it wouldn't happen. Well, now we know.

I know the Lord is in control, but I just feel like things have to change sooner or later. Kevin and I have both felt like things are just spinning around us and we have NO control over anything.

Please pray for us that we would rely on the Lord to direct our paths and that He would show Himself to us! We want to do what is right and what the Lord wants. Pray that we keep that focus!!


Katie said...

Wow, Heather. I'm so sorry. I know having lots of unknowns is difficult. But, just think, God always does what's BEST, and now you get to see what's better that's on the horizon. :) I'll be praying for you and Kevin.

pamela s said...

We'll pray for you!

S said...

We will be praying for you and Kevin also that God will direct your paths.

ashley said...

Hey it was great to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear about your job. Hope things will work out for the best! It has been nice reading about your family. Your kids are so cute! Just so you know, we also had the joy of experiencing cat pee everywhere!! It was awful!
Well enjoy fixing up your house. We sure are! Keep in touch.

carissa said...

I'll be praying for you. God is drawing out your faith....dependence on Him....That's when He shows Himself strong. He will take care of your needs!!!

Kelly Glupker said...

It is so hard to trust God when things seem so bleak - yet remember that he knows the whole story and has a perfect plan. This is no surprise to Him!

Kelli said...

Heather, we are praying for you guys!

Karen said...

Unknowns can be so scary; I'll pray for you two.

Abby said...

We'll be praying for you guys. Just think of all the wonderful things God is going to teach you and how He will show you such great and mighty things that we don't know! God is good no matter what! Praying for you!

Unknown said...

Sheesh, what sudden news! do you have any leads for another job? I agree with all these ladies - God is doing something good through all of this. Can't wait to see what He's got in store for you!

Karen said...

Any updates? I've been praying!

Heather said...

Karen - no, no news yet. I have been sending out resume after resume for a new job...our manager was here today and said that we are on the list to be closed on 5/31...i about threwup. I couldn't believe what i was hearing. He said that he is trying to get it changed, and will let us know!!!

That is NEXT Wednesday!!!

The Lord is in control and will provide. I am praying that he opens a very clear door for me to take!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.