Friday, April 14, 2006

Thank You Grandfather and MomMom!!!!

A couple of weeks ago, my mom and I were talking about Easter, and what I was planning on doing for the kids. I had mentioned to her that they both needed were in need of summer clothes! They had grow so much over the winter that EVERYTHING from last summer was TO SMALL! I couldn't believe how much Logan has changed since last spring!

So about two weeks later, I get this package in the mail addressed to Logan and Victoria....the pictures of the kids all excited are the night they got to open it! Victoria got a few dresses and Logan got a couple of church outfits along with some play clothes!
Needless to say the Easter "basket" was a big hit, both for the kids and for me! I was so grateful for the clothes because it really helps out on our budget! As a mother of two I appreciate any gratitude of any kind!
Thanks MomMom and Grandfather for the clothes! It was so fun to watch the kids faces as they opened each and everyone of them.


Visit us on said...
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Visit us on said...

I love Victorias raincoat!

Janeen said...

Heather-- so nice to have grandparents. I know that my parents spoil my nephew. They truly love him and are able to help so that is nice. I am sure you appreciate the help. From what I hear kids are expensive!!!!

Kelli said...

Heather: I Love Vicotoria's face in the purple raincoat! What a character! Looks like MomMom had fun getting the kids set up for summer! How fun!