A couple of weeks ago, my mom and I were talking about Easter, and what I was planning on doing for the kids. I had mentioned to her that they both needed were in need of summer clothes! They had grow so much over the winter that EVERYTHING from last summer was TO SMALL! I couldn't believe how much Logan has changed since last spring!
So about two weeks later, I get this package in the mail addressed to Logan and Victoria....the pictures of the kids all excited are the night they got to open it! Victoria got a few dresses and Logan got a couple of church outfits along with some play clothes!
Needless to say the Easter "basket" was a big hit, both for the kids and for me! I was so grateful for the clothes because it really helps out on our budget! As a mother of two I appreciate any gratitude of any kind!
Thanks MomMom and Grandfather for the clothes! It was so fun to watch the kids faces as they opened each and everyone of them.

I love Victorias raincoat!
Heather-- so nice to have grandparents. I know that my parents spoil my nephew. They truly love him and are able to help so that is nice. I am sure you appreciate the help. From what I hear kids are expensive!!!!
Heather: I Love Vicotoria's face in the purple raincoat! What a character! Looks like MomMom had fun getting the kids set up for summer! How fun!
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