Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Blogging World

Well, as you can normally tell, I blog ALL day long while I am at work. It has been so slow here. I think today, the phone rang one time. Maybe twice. I don't really remember! I was able to spend about an hour in my devos before anyone even came in the office!

So here it is...This is where I spend 8-9 hours of my day. I would much rather be with my children through out the day, but the Lord has given me a great job to help provide for our family with EXCELLENT insurance. With Kevin being self-employed we would never be able to afford the insurance premiums for that. So in the meantime....I am very thankful for this job.

Actually, my job was Ma's job. (Kevin's mom) She died shortly after we moved here and I was still looking for a FT job. At her funeral they told me they would love to see my resume...a month later I started here. I was honored to have the job she had for 3 years! What an awesome blessing it was!

So this is my little blogging world!


S said...

That's great that you can have a job and not be very busy at the same time to get stuff done. I had a job like that and it seemed like it was feast or famine.

Kelli said...

I love your office! So many windows! I would love to have an office with a view, even if it is just of the parking lot! I am glad that you have such a nice job.

Visit us on www.facebook.com said...

Nice looking work environment. Is it always that empty? I would die for just a few minutes of peace and quiet at work! Enjoy your day!!!

pamela s said...

Your office is very sleek & modern. Mine on the other hand is still stuck in the 70s. :) I have a blue (Pepsi Blue) colored metal desk. But, the computer was just updated (last one I had was from 1994 or so). So, I'm a happy blogger.

Heather said...

Shannon - It is always feast or famine in here! Sometimes it is so nice because I am able to do things here that would normally take away time from my kids in the evening. Like paying bills, phones calls and anything Kevin needs done for the business. So it is a HUGE blessing!

Kelli - The parking lot view is the best! We even have a nice little "market" next door now! It smells wonderful around lunch time!!!

Hillary - No it is not always that empty..what you can't see are the 12 cubicals behind the blue wall. Only 2 are being used right now. If it were full in here, I would have no time at all to breath.

Pam - what would we be able to do if we couldn't blog while we were at work?

Unknown said...

Insurance is such a blessing! When I worked a secular job, the insurance benefits were so amazing and made the job (boring as it was) very worthwhile. Now that Matt is a student and I only work part time online we have to pay for our own insurance. Thankfully Chloe is covered through the state since we are poor. :) How fun that you can keep up with blogging at work and not feel guilty about it. I, on the other hand, have a very accessible computer with highspeed internet at home and I spend too much time blogging when I should be doing household chores and such.