What a beautiful weekend for camping!!! We enjoyed Thursday evening till Sunday afternoon at Pecatonica Forest Preserve!! The weather was perfect and we had a wonderful time with Family and Friends! We have enjoyed camping for the six years we have been married and every year it keeps getting better and better! This year, so far, the kids are old enough to really enjoy it too! Here are a few pictures of our family and friends we camped with....
Victoria enjoys her hamburger dinner by the fire!
There were so many trails and paths to take...Victoria was swinging on the one gate in this picture!
Logan sitting at the picnic table enjoying his dinner!
Logan loves blowing his bubbles!!
Our good friends Tom & Mel! They love camping just as much as we do! (maybe even a little bit more than us) Thanks for EVERYTHING, TOM AND MEL!
Victoria and Mel posing for a picture!
Uncle Larry, or better known as "PAPA" loves spending time with the kids! Next time, Papa, watch out for the olive eating machine!

Looks like fun! I still can't believe how big Logan is getting. Can't wait to see them again!
Nice camper too!
Victoria and Logan really are growing. Way too fast. Logan looks like the camping lifestyle fits him just fine.
Looks like you guys had so much fun! What great memories you're making!
How fun! Thanks for posting pictures so quickly this morning . . . I was hoping to see the fun in action. :) What a great camper you have! Looks like the kids really enjoyed themselves too. Do you roast marshmallows?
Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! I love the pictures! That one of Victoria swinging on the pole doesn't even look like her! I love Logan's facial expressions and how he propped up his feet on the bunch! Adorable! Looks like some good bonding family time!
Dad & Hill - Did you see in that one picture how big Logan is compared to Victoria? She is going to be short like me I think.
Alicia - As soon as it gets dark out Victoria always asks if we can have a fire and marshmellows!! She loves them. Logan too...he stuffs his mouth full with them!
Kelli - You know Logan is so laid back, that is why i posted that one of him. That hat that he is wearing...Victoria made in school on Friday. I think he still has it on this morning. :)
Looks like so much fun! Glad you were able to escape & have some family time. Those type of memories are so sweet & great!
hey watsons - looks like a good time - glad you are enjoying yourselves!
looks like you all had a blast! it's so nice that it's warm enough to be outside! i can't wait to not be in an office this summer! Tan city!!!!
YOU make camping look fun!!!! I think I'd like it again once the kids were older. Your kids are so cute. 14 mo. apart is close, but aren't they best buddies?? (most of the time anyway?)
I didn't paint their room, a girl here in the camp office did. It only took her 2 hrs. She's talented! NOT ME!!
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