Thursday, April 27, 2006

Psalm 55

This post has only one reason and one reason only....To Praise our Heavenly Father!

Last week, we received 2 phone calls from homeowners that received our advertising flier in the mail. I was so excited (I get excited any time Kevin's phone rings for work), but Kevin always remains optimistic until the job is actually a done deal. He IS the smart one here, that is for sure! Well, anyway, I ran all the numbers for him and printed up the quotes for Tuesday night for him to drop off on Wednesday afternoon. When he got home he told me that they would both contact us soon. They were still waiting to receive a couple other quotes.

Enter TOTAL HYSTERIA here! And those of you who know me, know exactly what I am saying and how I looked... "What do you mean more quotes?" "But Lord, you promised that if we are faithful, You in return are faithful" "Why does this always happen to me?"

Can you say..."STUPID, ME OF LITTLE FAITH". Why do I even let myself think that. Kevin looked at me as serious as I think I have ever seen him and said, "We just have to pray about it, Heather, the Lord is still in control" After locking myself in the bathroom to pray and calm down, I came out and continued about my evening, whenever thinking about it, just giving it totally over to the Lord! I had decided that it was HIS will I wanted. Not mine. Why do I always have to go back and decide that. Why can't it just be done automatically?

So, this morning in my devos, I read Psalm 55. "Cast your cares on THE Lord and HE will sustain you! He will never let the Righteous fall!" What a Promise for me to hold on to! Not just in praying about the business but about EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE...He will sustain you!

Well, Kevin just called me....

He got a call from a customer whose bid he handed out last week that we had forgotten about. Well, the guy is ready to go, but he just doesn't want a deck built, he wants a 4 car garage built!!! **Singing hallelujah Course here**

When we tell people that we are self-employed, sometimes you can see them look at us like we are rolling in money. NOT! Since being self-employed the only thing that I am "rolling" in is FAITH! Day in and day out, we live by faith that the phone is going to continue to ring and that we will be able to provide for our family!

I was going to e-mail this to Melissa, my good friend here in Rockford, but I thought I would instead share it with my blogging "Community".


Kelli said...

Praise the Lord, Heather! That is awesome! The Lord IS in Control; ALWAYS! Thank you for that reminder; I needed that today and always. I am excited for Kevin! The Lord does provide, even if it is in not ways that we expect. Thansk for sharing!

Shyla said...

You're hilarious! I am so glad we serve a God who is ALIVE and cares about the concerns of His children!!
...Now unto Him who is able to do EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY above ALL that we could ever ask or think according to HIS riches in Christ Jesus - unto Him be ALL the glory!!...eph 3:20 paraphrased :)

Anonymous said...

wow, that is exciting. i'll bet kevin is happy about that. the toughest part about being in business is often the waiting. but since you don't control what cutomers/potential cutomers do it really doesn't serve any purpose does it? hang in there kid, sounds like things are taking shape.

S said...

Praise the Lord! I have a good friend's whose husband is self-employed and it's the same kind of thing. I do the same thing and start to freak out First..instead of praying first. I got it backwards half the time, but praise God for his grace and patience with me!

Unknown said...

PTL! I liked your phrase "rolling in faith" instead of money. We are in the same boat! We are totally poor and continually seeing the Lord provide in miraculous and unexpected ways. Thanks for the challenge and transparency. These days (for both our families) are sweet and we'll look back on them with thankfulness as we see our faith lived out.

Great picture of you two! Finally some pictures of you guys and not just kids(I need to be better about that - I'm a Chloe maniac.)

Katie said...

That's awesome, Heather. Praise God for allowing you to be "rolling in faith!" That's more enviable that rolling in the dough. ;)

Heather said...

Thanks everyone!!!

God is so good! Today Kevin received a phone call from one of the "deck" customers! He starts the deck on Wednesday!

Thank you Lord for your faithfulness!!!

Jenny said...

I understand how waiting goes--Michael works in construction for a very small company. Him & his boss, pretty much. They're always praying for new customers too! It's rough when the work is slow, but you are so right, God is always faithful! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! How exciting. Ya know, I remember when I was little and my dad was getting his business going. We didn't realize it until later when we were old enough to look back and see that there were some times there where we truly struggled. But God has always provided above and beyond anyone's wildest dreams!

Anonymous said...

kevin -

if you need any help putting that garage roof on - call my dad, i hear he's got some experience in that area of construction...

Anonymous said...

kevin -

if you need any help putting that garage roof on - call my dad, i hear he's got some experience in that area of construction...

carissa said...

praise God for His provision. I liked the pics of your work place. An hour in your devotions---it must've been super quiet!! Praise Him for quiet moments :):) We really loved MA Watson. We are so thrilled to hear how God gave you her job. That's awesome.

Amanda T said...

That is great news for you guys! Hurrah. Praise the Lord!! Thanks for sharing the great news with all of us on the blogging community. It's good to hear that you are both growing in the Lord and that He is seeing you through.