Saturday, December 11, 2010

How can it be that these two children used to be my babies?!!? Where has time gone? Tonight we were trying our Christmas outfits on for church tomorrow and it had just started snowing out. I am pretty sure you can tell by the look on their faces that they thought I was CRAZY!!! :)

They are getting so excited for Christmas this year. They had program practice at church this morning. I walked in the last few minutes of the practice and I was in tears. It is such a good program and I can't wait to listen to them sing tomorrow morning! We have been working so hard on the songs....well, Victoria has. Logan would rather just pretend he knows the words. LOL!
Next weekend we have a Christmas dinner to go to and then a Christmas musical on Sunday evening. Then the weekend after that it is CHRISTMAS!! I cannot believe how fast December is going! We are enjoying everyday of it and look forward to spend Christmas day as a family remembering the real reason for Christmas. CHRIST, His birth and the love the love of his Father for sending Him to this world as a baby.

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

I love Victoria's headband! So cute! Hope you enjoyed the program this morning. :)