I am a person who runs on lists, organization, agendas and schedules like a car runs on gasoline. :) Not everyone is like that and it is OK.
I have lists for...
grocery shopping
weekly menus
what is on sale where
what I need clean on the weekend
where I need to go on the weekend
what I need to accomplish during the day
what homework needs to be done in the evening each night
people to call
what to plan next
On Thanksgiving day, I had a list as to what needed to be put in the oven at what time, and let me tell you...it worked so smooth. It also had our complete menu for that day. If it weren't for that list I would have forgotten to take the cranberries out of the fridge. opps.
You get the picture. If I do not do this, I. fall. apart. Seriously, it is not pretty either. My darling husband is usually there to help put me back together...and to remind me that there is a word called flexibility. I have learned that flexibility is a must.
My mind is always running 3 days ahead. With that said, it doesn't mean that my body is running that far ahead.
My kids know that I like a clean house and that they need to pick up after themselves. We make our beds every morning and when we leave the house in the morning to go to our respected work places and school the house is usually 98% in order. I love that about my husband...we both LOVE coming home to a clean house in the evening.
Don't get me wrong, I have days (and plenty of them) when the laundry is piled as high as the washing machine, when the dirty dishes are stacked in the sink, when the bathrooms are in desperate need of a SCRUB, when you can write your name in the dust on the coffee tables....yeah. I have been there and like I said will continue to go there. It is called life. And life is one thing that I have made myself deal with. We run on busy schedules in this house every day, every night till we collapse into bed.
Kevin's week nights consist of EMT classes, ER clinical, ambulance rotations, call nights and studying in there somewhere. The kids have homework and plenty of it, piano lessons, Awana's, running to the library for more books and anything else they can con me into. ;)
With life swirling around us faster and faster, I have had to learn F.L.E.X.I.B.I.L.I.T.Y. There is no choice. If I go to bed with a house that is not "perfect" than I go to bed. Sleep is just as important. I have learned that life moves in a speed faster than myself....Yes, I still keep an agenda and yes, my mind rarely shuts off, but I have taught myself, with a lot of help from Kevin, that flexibility is something I need in my life....and I must admit, that it is not as bad as I thought.
Tonight was a good example...instead of pushing myself to have the house all picked up before the kids were in bed and sat and read a book with Logan, listened to Victoria read to me and went over a few of the difficult spelling words for tomorrows test. :) That time is far better spent with my kids than picking up around the house!!!
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