Friday, June 04, 2010

Long Lost Pictures

I found these pictures in my phone the other day. One evening we stopped up at the fire station and Kevin showed the kids around the different trucks. Logan thinks it is totally cool....Victoria not so much. She is closing her ears in a couple of the pictures becuase there was a call coming in for the ambulance services over the loud speakers.

Me, I have mixed emotions. Seeing Kevin and the other guys with their gear on, on the way to a call sends chills down my spine. Seeing them in their uniform at a parade makes me proud. He has worked hard and has given up a lot of his free time to accomplish this.

He will be taking two more tests for firefighting this summer and then he starts his EMT classes in the fall. He mentioned to me the other night that he LOVES doing this and wishes he were younger when he found this passion. :) I am proud of him regardless of how old he isn't easy doing what these guys do.

1 comment:

a joyful nusiance said...

I bet Kevin thought it was pretty cool to show the station to the kids. I am sure that Logan really looks up to Kevin!

I know that you are nervous about this. But Kevin is in God's hands. God is all the protection the Kevin needs.

It's sometimes just hard to remember that when you see him in his gear on his way to a fire.