Saturday, May 22, 2010

Today is a beautiful day. The sun is shining and it is supposed to be in the mid 80's! Finally a Saturday to be outside....doing whatever we want. I woke up this morning around 4:45. Our windows were open and I could hear the birds singing. How do they know morning is here when it is still very dark out? God is good, isn't he? I mean, His creation is something that I constantly marvel at. This morning was a perfect reminder of that.

My long week without Kevin is over. Last Sunday when he left I don't think I made it through and hour without crying. I cried after I dropped him off at the station. I cried while getting ready for church. While doing Victoria's hair. (She thought I was pretty crazy) :) I cried on my way to church and in Sunday School too. I wanted to just go home crawl up in bed and stay there till Friday. By Monday I was kicking and screaming inside. Questioning why I agreed that Kevin being on the fire department was a good thing.

Without going into detail there were so many emotions that I was feeling inside. There was this one thing that I kept beating myself up over...I just kept pushing through me week though. Keeping my feelings to was a long week for me. These emotions I had made me just plain 'ol sad.

I am so thankful that I had Victoria and Logan here with me. They were so well behaved all week long. It's like they knew...they knew that I needed strength from them. When Kevin is gone I do not sleep well. A few nights I was up cleaning...scrubbing my kitchen floor, cleaning my bathrooms...till 2 in the morning. :) I was a bit tired in the morning but it felt so good to have a clean home when Kevin came home last night.

I am so thankful for Kevin and all he does in our home. He is a man, husband and father that is dearly loved. The kids and I spent a couple of evenings cleaning out his truck. We detailed the inside of it and washed it too. He was so thankful when he got in it last night. The kids and I also spent our evenings running here and there and trying to remember all the things that daddy does during the week. Like Monday night is trash night. Wednesday he coaches Logan's baseball team. (Thankfully I didn't have to coach.) I did sit and watch Logan as he nailed that ball past the third baseline. :) Kevin also picks up Victoria and Logan from school each day and helps them with their homework and prepares dinner most evenings.

With the help of Victoria and Logan, we had a successful week. We were able to make it all the places we needed to be along with accomplishing having a good time doing it.

To finish it all up I am thankful that Kevin has chosen this new career (or additional career) of firefighting. I am proud of him. Within the next couple of months he starts his EMT courses. It will be harder for him and it may even be a struggle for him, but I know that he can do it and I will be there to encourage him.


Kelly Glupker said...

Sounds like you are married to one dedicated, hard-working, ambitious man. You're blessed! :) Isn't it a joy to be married to someone you ENJOY having around?

a joyful nusiance said...

I am glad that you survived your week!!