Sunday, November 08, 2009

A Mother's Touch

The first time that the nurse put Victoria in my arms when she was born, I remember thinking that I now had this huge responsibility in my life. I was a mommy. She would come to me for everything from needing a hug, a band aid, to tell me how her day was, to ask me questions about life and anything in between. She was going to look up to me for many days and years to come. I wanted to be ready for her and ready to pick up the pieces if she needed me to. What an awesome responsibility we have as mommies!

The past 3-4 weeks this mommy has been in such a low mind set. I had no energy. I struggled to get out of bed, but when I was in bed I struggled to fall asleep. While going about my day I couldn't focus. I couldn't figure out what it was that I needed to do in the day to get through it and feel like I had accomplished something. Housework and laundry piled up but I just didn't care. That is not like me. I always know and plan my days and accomplish what needs to be done. Yesterday was the worst for me. I got up at 7:30 after not sleeping well at all and I sat on the couch. I sat there until at least 5 pm in the evening. I got up and made myself go to the store so I could feed my family. After dinner and a movie that I picked up Kevin helped me put the kids to bed. It was the next conversation that I had with Victoria that I knew something had to change...she looked at me and said...this was a weird day mommy, I am still in my pj's from this morning and we never had to make our beds! WOW!! After the kids were in bed I sent a text to my mom. I am 31 years old, but I felt like I needed my mommy! :) I knew she would have encouraging words that would help me. She would make it all better just like I make things better for my kids.

I spent a half an hour on the phone with her. She helped me re-focus. I need to stop pushing myself. She also reminded me that I need to focus on the good things in life and not push so hard to fix the things that I may think are broken.
She also offered little changing my diet...taking vitamins. Since my surgery I have had a lot of things going on in this body of mine. Every suggestion she made I made note of.
There is nothing better than a good talk with your mom.
This is our entire family now. Mom you have every right to be proud of this family! The 4 of us each have wonderful families and because of you and dad we are all who we are today!!
So even though I am 31 years old, a quick phone call to my mom made me feel so much better!
I love you mom and I know that you love me! Thank you for everything!
***Just a side note so you don't think that Kevin just sat around and was no help at all...he has been wonderful...going to parent teacher conferences because I didn't have the energy, helping with each meal and just being there for me.***


Kelli said...

Your of course have a wonderful mother! It is just something about a mom that helps you through those difficult times, no matter how old you are =) Will be thinking about you and praying for you!

a joyful nusiance said...

I am so glad that you were able to talk to your mom. They do seem to know what to say to make things seem better.

I hope you have a better week. And I am glad that she told you to take it easy. You should listen to that. :) can always watch a movie....I heard Backdraft was a good one. ;)

MommaHarms said...

Mommies fix everything, no matter how old you are! It was my mom that convinced me to get help for my depression three years ago. It's also her that I call when I feel sick ;)