The past 3-4 weeks this mommy has been in such a low mind set. I had no energy. I struggled to get out of bed, but when I was in bed I struggled to fall asleep. While going about my day I couldn't focus. I couldn't figure out what it was that I needed to do in the day to get through it and feel like I had accomplished something. Housework and laundry piled up but I just didn't care. That is not like me. I always know and plan my days and accomplish what needs to be done. Yesterday was the worst for me. I got up at 7:30 after not sleeping well at all and I sat on the couch. I sat there until at least 5 pm in the evening. I got up and made myself go to the store so I could feed my family. After dinner and a movie that I picked up Kevin helped me put the kids to bed. It was the next conversation that I had with Victoria that I knew something had to change...she looked at me and said...this was a weird day mommy, I am still in my pj's from this morning and we never had to make our beds! WOW!! After the kids were in bed I sent a text to my mom. I am 31 years old, but I felt like I needed my mommy! :) I knew she would have encouraging words that would help me. She would make it all better just like I make things better for my kids.

She also offered little changing my diet...taking vitamins. Since my surgery I have had a lot of things going on in this body of mine. Every suggestion she made I made note of.
There is nothing better than a good talk with your mom.

So even though I am 31 years old, a quick phone call to my mom made me feel so much better!
I love you mom and I know that you love me! Thank you for everything!
***Just a side note so you don't think that Kevin just sat around and was no help at all...he has been wonderful...going to parent teacher conferences because I didn't have the energy, helping with each meal and just being there for me.***
Your of course have a wonderful mother! It is just something about a mom that helps you through those difficult times, no matter how old you are =) Will be thinking about you and praying for you!
I am so glad that you were able to talk to your mom. They do seem to know what to say to make things seem better.
I hope you have a better week. And I am glad that she told you to take it easy. You should listen to that. :) can always watch a movie....I heard Backdraft was a good one. ;)
Mommies fix everything, no matter how old you are! It was my mom that convinced me to get help for my depression three years ago. It's also her that I call when I feel sick ;)
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