Over the last few days my mind has been on a family that has become so dear to many of us. I don't know them personally, but over the last 18 months we as a family have been praying for them. If you have a minute visit their site ivestrong.com. This family and their little girl has touched so many people lives. It is truly amazing!! Please pray for them over the next days and weeks to come.
Tonight when I put my children to bed I spent an extra minute with each of them just holding them and silently thanking the Lord for my little blessings. We never know when He is going to take them from this earth...I do know that I am so thankful that I know we have eternal life and will all be together again in Heaven.
Just a couple pictures from last weekend when the kids were on their way out to do some trick or treating! We had fun as a family carving pumpkins and walking door to door. I didn't think the kids would be out that long because it was so cold out, but I think they enjoyed seeing there bags get heavier and heavier of candy and goodies. Would you stop?? :)
Tonight when I put Logan to bed he had a fever and was so congested. I felt so bad for him. His eyes always look so droopy when he is sick. He is still at that age the he will let me snuggle him when he is sick. I better enjoy it now because soon it will be to cool to snuggle with mommy. ;)
I am praying that it is just the 24 hour bug that hit his sister a couple of weeks ago. Only time will tell though.
1 comment:
LOVE the Jeannie costume! How adorable!
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