Sunday, October 25, 2009

The past few weeks have been so different for us. Six weeks ago I found out that I needed surgery. I have been dealing with symptoms for the past 2-3 years and my last OB/GYN didn't really thing to much of the symptoms. Well, 2 months ago when I called to schedule my yearly doctor appointment I asked if I could see a different OB/GYN. The scheduling nurse on the other line said that was not a problem at ALL...come to find out my old OB/GYN was no longer working there anyway. :) So, 2 weeks later I headed in for my appointment armed and ready to demand more tests. I spoke with the doctor for a few minutes and realized that she too was concerned with my symptoms! I was so relived that I had found a doctor that cared!! She suggested surgery on my cervix and after a 2nd consultation with her, Kevin and I we decided that surgery was the way to go.

At first I was so excited that I had found a doctor who listened to me. Then as the surgery drew closer I realized that I was indeed very nervous. The surgery consisted of "removing" part of my cervix. This would hopefully and actually heal my cervix, but they would also be doing a biopsy. I wasn't nervous about the biopsy; I was more nervous about what I would find out after the surgery. What would the test results say and what if they were positive? No likes to hear the word cancer. When I heard that it could be a possibility I was jolted to my core!

Kevin and I spent a lot of time in prayer this past week and just laid it before the Lord. He was in control and He knew the outcome! I had to have faith!!

On Tuesday we headed to the hospital and about 5 hours later we were home and resting pretty comfortably. The next few days I laid pretty low. I was due to find out my results on Friday. In the meantime, we as a family were SO blessed. Each night we had meals brought to our house. And when I say meals, I don't just mean something simple...I mean MEALS!!!! One evening we had a roast, potatoes and carrots and for dessert we had yummy brownies. The next night we had delicious meatloaf, broccoli/cheese casserole, fresh sweet corn, homemade bread and more dessert!! The following night we had lasagna, bread sticks, salad and even more dessert!!

Victoria and Logan asked me why we didn't have dessert each night when I made dinner! HAHA!! Honestly, I have NEVER felt more blessed in my life. Thank you to all of you who brought meals and thank you Joanna for lining them all up for us.

On Thursday, Kevin came home and asked me how I was doing/feeling. Honestly, I was going NUTS!!! I am not one to sit around the house and do nothing. I studied for a long while each day, Facebook actually got on my nerves and just sat around. I never took a nap....I don't sleep that well during the night so I figured I better not make it worse by sleeping during the day.

Thank you to each one of you that prayed for us. I received text messages, e-mails and facebook messages from so many people. How do people get through difficult times when they do not have Christ to lean on and have others praying for them? I wouldn't have had the strength this past week. SERIOUSLY!!

On Friday I got a call from my doctor. There was no cancer!!! They did diagnosis me with moderate Cervical Dysplasia...abnormal growth of cells. While this is not considered cancer it is considered precancerous. They removed the precancerous cells the day of my surgery.

Again, I am so thankful for all the prayers! I am healing looking forward to getting back to the routine in our family!! God is so good to us and a I am thankful for my health.


Kelly Glupker said...

Praise the Lord!

MommaHarms said...

Wonderful news Heather! I've been praying.

a joyful nusiance said...

I 2nd Kelly...Praise the Lord.

Unknown said...

I had no clue you were going through all that! Praise God not only for His strength and protection of you through the ordeal but also for His sovereignty in moving you to a new OB/GYN. He works things for our good especially in seemingly insignificant the details of life! SO GLAD the news came back good! :)

Aren't homemade meals the best?!? Our church does a new mom meal ministry that we were the recipients of after Clive's birth and it was the BEST present anyone could have given us. Such an encouragement, blessing, and outpouring of love!

Katie said...

I didn't know what was going on either! Praise God for a concerned OBGYN and a successful surgery! I'm glad your friends loved and cared for you. I love having meals brought to me! :) Glad you're feeling better.

MommaHarms said...

Hey! I gave you an award on my blog. Check it out to see the rules! Have a great day!