Friday, October 09, 2009


I am not a person that really likes changes. I like stability, knowing what is going to happen from one day to the next. I like my days and weeks planned out, but that is not how it works all the time. I have to be willing to make changes in my life. I have to be willing to adapt to those around me.

This past Monday, we made changes in our household. Nothing to big, but nonetheless it is a change. Kevin has started classes at the local fire department to be come a firefighter. We have talked about this for as far back as I can remember, but when we talked about it, it was just in"that would be a cool opportunity"...or..."I could fit that into my schedule being self-employed". We never really talked about it like it would actually happen. Then on last Wednesday he was approached by a friend of ours, Thursday he filled out the application and on Monday he started. So....this is a change for us. He has classes every Monday night for the next few months and then will be on call every 6th night. After those classes are over he would then like to start the classes to become an EMT. Personally, I think that sounds more exciting than being a fire fighter. :) But that is just my personal opinion.

Many people have commented to us that this is a HUGE decision and can be very time consuming. WELL....after seeing the book that he has to study from for the next 4 months I believe it, but I also believe that there is no one more ready for this challenge than Kevin. Yes, it will take away from our family time, but for the past 4 years, we have been so fortunate to have Kevin around as often as we have. With him being self employed he is around a WHOLE lot more than a daddy that works outside of the home. So....all that to say that I too am up for this challenge along with Kevin. There will be calls in the middle of the night, there is training on the weekend, there are meetings during the week nights and and much more.

So as we venture down this road I will keep you up to date on how it goes. As of now, I have a study partner and I LOVE that. We are doing this together...and that is what marriage is all about!!!

1 comment:

christy | brides to booties said...


I too do not like changes and am a planner much like you...but I've learned myself the past several months that change isn't always bad, and when you confront it head on and work with it, it can actually be rewarding!

This sounds like a great opportunity for not just Kevin, but your whole family. We will keep you all in our prayers as your household goes through this change together.