Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Birthday Parties!!!

I am just getting around to post about Victoria's birthday party. Just a tad behind on things. Victoria turned 7 on August 1st. She had the day planned out and everything she wanted to do by the minute! :) Her birthday fell on a Saturday so I was able to be with her all DAY and make the day special for her. We had a blast.
I got up early that morning and headed to the grocery store. She LOVES donuts and I knew she would be happy to enjoy one on her birthday. For birthday's at our house we let the kids pick what THEY want to do for the day. A few months ago Victoria had mentioned that she wanted to go to the local outdoor water park. Kevin and I knew that we wouldn't be able to make that happen but Kevin remembered that we had 4 tickets to a local INDOOR water park that we had gotten last year for FREE!!! PERFECT!! Victoria asked her neighbor friend to go so we headed there for the day.
I have picture of the girls at the water park but they are not uploading to Blogger. Head over to my facebook account and you will be able to see them!!!
After the water park we headed home for cake and ice cream!! Yummy!!!

Blowing out 7 candles! WOW!! Where had the time gone? It is hard to believe that she is 7 and going into 2nd grade.

Victoria got all kids of make-up from her neighbor friends. They all sat out on the patio putting on make-up. What fun memories!!!


We are in Pennsylvania 7 days and enjoying every minute of our vacation!!! It is so nice to get away and just be able to forget about work and the business of life!!!

While we were here my sister had a birthday party for their little guy. He turns one soon and is the sweetiest little boy. I told my sister that I am pretty sure he is the perfect child.

Aiden loves balloons and Uncle Heath was just making him laugh and laugh!!!

All the grandkids before the party!!

Aiden enjoying some watermelon!! He loves to eat and I think what is so cute is that he will eat just about anything. He isn't picky at all!!!

All done with lunch!!! Now time to open some presents!!! :)

This was the cake he got to dig into!! So cute!!!

He started ever so slightly...digging into the icing.

Now he was getting into it!!! That is about as far as he got. He kinda lost interest in it after that.

Daddy, Mommy and the birthday boy!!!

So cute!!! He is such a precious little guy.

Our entire Family!! All 15 of us!! What fun times we have while we are all together!!!


a joyful nusiance said...

I'm glad Victoria had a fun birthday!

What fun it looks like you are having with your family! I like the 1 of your whole family!!!

MommaHarms said...

glad you are having a good trip. He's a cute little boy.