Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's about time, right?

Sorry to my one and only faithful reader. You know who you are.....I finally downloaded 212 pictures tonight of our busy lives. WOW!!! We have had a full couple of months, that's for sure!


To recap it all here it goes....


The kids are in coach pitch this year and daddy is their coach!! The season is almost finished and they have come a long way in hitting and fielding. I can't believe how well they are doing!

Getting ready for their first game!!

Logan - Summer 2009

Victoria - Summer 2009



The kids are getting braver and braver on their bikes. Logan started making "jumper racks" (as he calls them) at his buddies house. So one evening while daddy was sitting around he made them a ramp to jump off. THEY LOVE IT!!!


Daddy putting the finishing touches on it.

Trying it out for the first time!

Logan can REALLY get up in the air! He loves it. The only thing is when he is finished he forgets to take it out of the road. We have had a few NOT SO happy drivers. :)


FaThEr'S DaY

I took a couple of pictures of Kevin and the kids a week or so before Father's Day. I then had it framed, but before framing it, I had the kids write him a special note on the matte of the frame. It turned out so cute and I do think he really liked it!!

Father's Day - 2009


SuMmEr TiMe FuN!!

My parents recently were here during the hottest week of the year so far. So we wiped out the slippn' slide and the kids had a blast!! To bad I didn't get any pictures of my parents while they were here...what was I thinking???


My parents also surprised us with our favorite meal...CRABS!! We love them and so do the kids!!!

So cute!!!



This past weekend we spontaneously went up to our favorite fishing spot!! We go here every year and always come home with plenty of trout to eat!! (even if it is a trout farm and is not considered fishing...the kids haven't figured it out yet!!)

Every year we get the same picture....

Logan and Daddy reeling in the big one!!!

Victoria could hardly keep a hold of the slippery thing!

This was a pretty good size one!! He was so proud but wouldn't touch it....I need to work with him on that. Victoria touched both the fish and the worms.

Daddy patiently fixing the fishing rods....

The finished catch!! Can't wait to have a fish fry!!
Hopefully this catches you up on our crazy, little family here in our home!!! Hope you are all enjoying your summers!!


Abby said...

I love the picture of Victoria and the crab leg! Such a ham!! Looks like you've had a full summer already!!!!!

christy | brides to booties said...

LOVE the pictures Heather. Thanks for the update. The kids are getting so big and it looks like you are all having a great summer so far!

Anonymous said...

The crabs were GREAT!!!! love ya,mom

MommaHarms said...

where do you go to fish? Love the b-ball pics!