Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Birthday, to the Love of my life1!

Happy Birthday, Kevin!!!

Today is Kevin's 31st here are 31 reasons I am thankful for him...
  1. He is a hard worker!!
  2. He loves Victoria and Logan and shows it!
  3. He likes to do special things for the kids.
  4. He will do anything to provide for his family...anything!
  5. He takes time from his busy schedule to coach his kids in baseball.
  6. He makes the bed,
  7. does laundry,
  8. does the dishes.
  9. He loves to cook
  10. He loves me!! :)
  11. He wants our children to grow up in a Christ centered family!
  12. He takes care of the little things around the house so I don't have to.
  13. He enjoys the little things in life.
  14. He will go the extra mile to help out someone in need.
  15. He adjusts his busy schedule around my schedule
  16. He will sit on our front porch and talk about our day each night because he knows it is important to me.
  17. He listens.
  18. He likes to take me to lunch if he is working near my work.
  19. He likes to relax.
  20. He likes to camp.
  21. He gives of himself.
  22. He doesn't mind watching re-runs of my favorite shows when I am watching them.
  23. He has learnt from me that a Sunday afternoon nap isn't so bad.
  24. He cares about his family.
  25. He sends me texts during the day just to say he loves me.
  26. He lets me sleep in when I need to.
  27. He picks up my "Sugar free Iced Vanilla Coffee" on Sundays before church.
  28. He loves my baking...even if it is not quite like his moms.
  29. He makes me HAPPY!
  30. He snores...I miss it when he isn't next to me at night.

31. He always wishes there were more hours in the day for his FAMILY!!!


a joyful nusiance said...

I hope Kevin had a great birthday!

Unknown said...

WOW, A list that shows how much of a bad husband I am. Unbelievable!! :)