Saturday, August 11, 2007

Windy City, Baseball and Fairs....

The last 3 days have just seemed like a whirlwind of events. I am one who just loves to stay at home and get things done around the house. If I am running around and away from home for to long I kinda go through withdraw. Does that make sense?? Well, after the last three days...I am ready to just be at home today...all day and get things done that have been left alone for TOO long.

On Wednesday afternoon, I got off of work early and went home to pick-up Kevin. I had to attend a Schwab seminar for work and since I have never driven into Chicago, Kevin thought it would be a good idea for him to come with me. We had reservations at the Palmer House Hilton Hotel in DOWNTOWN Chicago. I was so excited to see the sites. Three hours later and some horrible traffic (i honestly do not know how people drive in that EVERYDAY of their lives) we arrived at the hotel. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was. We checked in and when we did so the gentleman behind the counter said that we had to use the executive elevators and that there were free hor dourves on our floor till 7pm. I thought to myself, OK no big deal. I could handle this. We went over the the elevators and tried to push the button. Nothing. Tried again and nothing. At this point I knew that Kevin and I were in trouble. We are not used to upscale hotels. Give me Best Western and I am fine. Finally we saw that you had swipe your room key so that you were able to "Call" the elevator. We got up to the 23 floor. For some reason everyone was dressed up while they were eating the hor dourves. that why they call it the executive floor??? Who knows, I just wanted to get to our room. It was huge!! There were three windows and a beautiful view of Navy Pier.

Kevin and I enjoyed a wonderful evening walking and walking around Chicago and enjoying the sites of Navy Pier. We ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp and then watched the fireworks.

The view from our room.
Absolutely Beautiful and Comfortable.

I so wanted to take this bed home with me. It was so soft and comfortable I couldn't believe it!

One of the boats in the pier. HUGE!

The skyline of Chicago. That city was amazing!

We rushed home after my seminar the following day so that we would be able to take the kids to a baseball game. My work had reserved tickets and had a dinner catered for all those who wanted to attend. We didn't tell the kids about it till on our way because we weren't sure if we were going to be able to be back in time or not. The kids were so excited when we told them where we were going! They had a blast...but towards the end of the game it was very CLEAR that we needed to get home!!
Logan and Victoria enjoying the view before the game. Logan just wanted to sit in the seats and watch the guys. He didn't even eat anything at dinner.

That is all he wanted all night was a baseball. He was so happy when mommy broke down and got one for him. :)

Victoria and her "finger puppet" as she called it.
Last night we went to the Boone County Fair. Last year when we went it was cool and we actually wore sweatshirts. This way. It was SO HUMID I thought I was going to be sick. The kids kept hanging on me and I was just sticking to them. They did have a blast riding rides. We met up with our good friends Tom and Mell. They had their granddaughter with them and she was so good about riding on the rides with our kids! They loved hanging out with her too!! Thanks Guys!!!

Logan and Victoria riding in the police car!

Victoria and Chantel on the Merry Go Round

They both loved the rollar coaster. I couldn't believe the Victoria did...that thing moved you around!!!

On the teacups. Logan does not do so well when he goes around and around. Luckily he didn't eat before this so I was hoping that everything would stay down. He started to get sick on the way home but he was able to let it pass by. Poor thing.

Victoria and Chantel getting on the Farris wheel. It went up pretty high, and I was so surprised that she wanted to ride on. They did great!!!
Well, I best be getting up and doing something around the house. We are leaving for a mini quick camping trip on Wednesday of this coming week. I am SO looking forward to it. We will be back on Sunday. After that Victoria starts school on Wednesday. WOW!! The summer is over so soon. I can't believe it! Have a wonderful weekend and hopefully this heat will GO AWAY!!!!


MommaHarms said...

Heather, we were at the fair last night too! Sorry we missed you! Saw several of my students though (former, that is, since I'm not going to teach this coming year.)

Unknown said...

Wow, you've had a very exciting few days! I'm so envious of that gorgeous hotel room! Did your work pay for that? Who won the baseball game?

Heather said...

That would have been fun to run into you guys. We didn't see anyone we knew. What are you doing this year if your are not teaching???

Alicia-the room was so gorgeous and yes my work did pay for that. I get reimbursed for it all. When i went back to work on Friday, my boss asked me what time i left the city to come home. He told me that was the worst time to come home and that we should have stayed for dinner and headed back in later in the evening...should have took him up on that. Maybe next time. :)

MommaHarms said...

I am going to focus on my writing. I am pulling in over $1,000 a month, which is what we need. And that is constantly increasing because I keep landing newer, better paying client. I am now averaging between 2 and 3 cents per word. Since I can write 2000 words an hour, it's pretty good. I don't have to work that many hours to make what we need. I'll miss the classroom, but I would rather Natalie learn her habbits from me than from grandma - who is a little too lenient :).

Anonymous said...

Heather, Thats dads next boat!! Love ya!!