Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Rockford, Illinois

On Monday night we headed to bed knowing that there was a threat for some hard rain sometime through the night. We just never knew that it was cause such a mess. WOW!!! Below are a few pictures from the messy, rainy night. Kevin, me and the kids were woken up at about 12:30 and just watched it pour outside for 3 hours. I have never seen it rain so hard for such a long period of time. We received 7 inches of rain in that short time. The rain formed a fast running "stream" in our yard rather quickly and I was praying that it just stayed away from our house. It didn't get to close to the house. Our basement stayed dry and we were able to dry out most of everything yesterday. I am so thankful that we were saved from the big flooding ordeals that happened not even 10 miles from us. Here are a few pictures of the aftermath. We are supposed to get more rain sometime this tonight and tomorrow...I am praying that it is far from what we have already experienced.

This is the dam that they thought was going to break...thankfully it didn't because I only work about 2 miles from it.

I couldn't believe this reminded me of something you see from a hurricane down south.

I think they have bit of cleaning out for this pool to be usable again.

A bridge completely washed away.

On a happier note, I have a training in Chicago tomorrow. Kevin is able to go with me so we are so looking forward to a night away. I have never walked the streets of downtown Chicago and am really looking forward to getting there this evening!!
Have a great rest of the week!!!


MommaHarms said...

Have fun in Chicago!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that city!!!!

MommaHarms said...

Tim wanted to tell you we completely slept through the storm and had no idea that it rained so hard - and the majority of the flooding was only a mile or so from our house!!!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Wow! Praise the Lord for His protection! Have fun in Chicago.. there's something about walking around a big city... so much fun :)

the johnson crew said...

wow, that is unbelievable. we didn't get any of that rain here in minnie

Ami said...

Yikes! I am glad you did't have any flooding in and around your house.

Heather said...

Nicole, I can't believe that you all slept through that...espcially your little one. She must be one sound sleeper that is all i have to say!!!

MommaHarms said...

Yeah, once she's asleep, she's asleep. We can vacuum, throw a party, whatever, and she doesn't stir. The only thing that wakes her up is the dog going into her room, so she sleeps with the door shut.