Thursday, August 23, 2007

What a week it has been. I have been thinking about this post and what I would say. As you can tell from previous posts, I am not one to type/right my feelings on this blog. Over the past few years, I have "matured" in my thinking and in my life. I am quieter; I keep my thoughts to myself and I WORRY way to much...all that to say this:

This week was Victoria's first day of school. The closer I got to the day the more I worried and the more I bottled up my feelings. (NOT GOOD...especially when married) :) I am sure you know what I am talking about.

I began thinking about my children and how our lives have changed so much over the last 5 years. I began to think about what I should have done differently. I love my children, and I love coming home from work each evening to their hugs and kisses and stories about what they did that day...but what I taught them...was it enough?? Do they honestly know that I love them? Do they know that I want what is BEST for them?? Sometimes I just feel so in adequate. Do you ever feel that way??

Life goes by you way to fast and before you know it you have a 5 year old that is attending school and getting on a bus and will be gone all day!! I just really struggled with that. I kept asking myself, "are we doing the right thing?" Then one day it hit me...I hadn't prayed about this nor had I given it over to the Lord! He has proven to be faithful to me...why can't I be faithful to Him??

So as Victoria got on the bus today, I cried...I cried big time. All day I would think about her and what she was doing and cry some more. It was tough, but I got through it. I kept reminding myself that she was in the Lords hands and that He would take care of her.

So today is over and she is sound asleep in bed and she said she had a great day and made new friends. It is just so hard to believe that we have started this new chapter in our lives. Before I know it Logan will be in school. I need to really prepare myself for that...enjoy the pics from the last couple of days....oh and thanks for reading my thoughts. I need to do that more often.

Victoria getting ready for school. This was on Wednesday when we went with her to school to meet her teacher and put everything in her locker.

Logan wanted to get in on it too. He was tested for the preschool on Wednesday he thinks he is BIG stuff.

They are just way to funny when I take their pictures....Victoria wants to pose like a silly little girl and Logan is ALL smiles.

Victoria next to her Locker. It is so big and she can't even open it. :)

The following pictures are from today when she got on the bus and went off by herself. This is her and our neighbor girl waiting for the bus.

Getting on the pulls right up to our nice and it comes right around 7:20 so that gives me just the right amount of time to get Logan to the daycare and off to work!!

She was SO excited...I couldn't' believe how calm she was. At least she wasn't scared and crying that would have made me worse! :)


MommaHarms said...

She's so grown up! Whew, I am glad I am not going "back to school" this year!

Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

Victoria looks so cute getting on the bus. I love her bangs! Tell her we are so proud of her. Can't wait to see you guys.

Ami said...

Wow! They grow up so quick! She is so cute. I can totally understand how you feel. It is SO hard to send them off into the world by themselves. (even if the world is just school :))

a joyful nusiance said...

Good for Victoria!! You are going to love to watch her blossom at school!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a huge moment for all of you! Oh my, I totally empathize with you. I feel that way all the time (not sure if I'm doing this mommying thing right or if I'm cramming too much on Chloe or not enough) too! Thankfully, we can trust God to give us the wisdom we need as parents. We just need to focus on loving Him and obeying Him. He's the one who's really in control of our kids anyways, not us.

Victoria looks so full of pride and joy to be going to school! So glad to hear her first experiences have been so positive. I'm sure you will be a very involved mom and make sure all goes smoothly for her during this important transition.

Kelly Glupker said...

She looks like such a big girl, and brave too. She doesn't seem nervous at all! Is she going to a public school or private? I am sure her excitement for school makes it a lot easier on you!

S said...

I don't blame you for dreading that day...I already am and mine is 1! I'm glad that she was so excited and had a good time for your sake, but I think your tears were definitely warranted, and I'm sure you are a wonderful mother!