Thursday, August 02, 2007

Just a little update...

Just a couple of pictures from this past weekend. We went to a family reunion with Kevin's Grandma. The kids had fun just running around and looking in the river. Logan wanted to go fishing so bad, but we didn't bring any fishing poles. He was very disappointed.

My little is hard to believe that he will be starting preschool this year. He is so tenderhearted. He will stop what he is doing and just look at me and say..."mommy, i love you" Tonight he even rode up the driveway just to say that he loved me. How can I get made at that little face??

Now this little girl. She is just plain old fun!! She has such an energetic personality. I love it. I can't imagine where she got it at. :) She is always smiling and just loves life! She is becoming such a helper. She always wants to help me do whatever I am doing. Sometimes I just have to step back and let her help me. So what if it take me a few minutes longer of if it is not done just least i am spending time with her.

Little toes...little toes.

Trying out the river.

Look how tall Logan is...poor Victoria, I am pretty sure she will be on the shorter side. Just like mommy.
We aren't doing much this weekend. Just hanging around the house and getting things done. We have a picnic to go to on Saturday and some major school supply shopping to do, but other than that I am hoping to take it easy and get some much needed organizing done around the house.
What are you doing this weekend??? Whatever it is, have a great and relaxing weekend!


S said...

your kids are growing up so fast. those pictures are adorable. thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Logan is looking so big! Wow, I can't imagine what it must be like to see your baby go off to school - even if it's just preschool. Very cool looking black and white photos.

We're just hanging around the house this weekend too. Our company just left so we're getting back into our normal routines and doing wash by the truck-load. It's beautiful weather here so we went to a wading pool yesterday and a walk this morning. Ahhh, summer time.

a joyful nusiance said...

We had a picnic at church this weekend, great fun, lots of people. You know how those things go!!

the johnson crew said...

adorable pictures!!!!!