Saturday, July 28, 2007

Happy Birthday, Victoria!!!

Happy Birthday, Victoria!!
Today we had a birthday party for our little girl. She turns five on Wednesday. She has been looking forward to this party for weeks. The afternoon started out with Mary Kay party. We had 8 little girls over and they each had a facial. They thoroughly loved it. My consultant and VERY good friend kept each of the girls attention for the entire 45 minutes. They all had a great time.
After the "little girl" party, we had the "grown up" party. What fun. I always feel bad though because I am on the go the entire time and I never get to relax. I did enjoy myself and I think everyone else did too.
Here are a few pictures from today!

Victoria blowing out her candles this evening!

These were the little party favors that Victoria handed out to all of her friends when they left. She was so worried that they wouldn't like her presents. I think they all did Victoria!

Here are all the little girls getting ready to wash their faces off so the facial can start.

I love this picture of Victoria. She is just so beautiful to me...(I know, I know she is my daughter so of course she is)

She was trying to hard to get the eye shadow just where Joanna was telling her to put.

...and the finished product.

And the finished product...mascara and all. It was so scary to see these little girls with their makeup all done. I couldn't believe how beautiful they looked.

She loves opening presents...which little girl doesn't???

All the little girls were waiting so patiently for her to get them all open.

Thanks to EVERYONE who made this day special for Victoria. She received some beautiful gifts and some great clothes to start school in. She is so excited.


Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

Happy Birthday Victoria! I can't believe she is five already. Good idea for a party. Little girls always like to look beautiful. Tell Victoria we love her and miss her.

Shyla said...

that is hilarious seeing all of those little girls having and MK party! did she recruit anyone! LOL I cant believe she's 5 already! Wow

Ami said...

Wow! I can't believe Victoria is 5 already! It looks like she had a great party! The MK party was such a cute idea!

Troy & Sherry said...

you have such beautiful kids. glad they had such a good time at the party....tell kevin we said hello!

the johnson crew said...

looks like a wonderful girly party!