Friday, June 01, 2007

Tid Bits...

We are in the craziness of our yearly summer schedule....only thing is...summer hasn't started yet! We are running here and running there, doing this and doing that. I just wanted to update my blog so this will be just a boring update of what is going on in our family and with no pictures...sorry in advance!

Victoria graduated from her preschool class. She was so excited and when she got up the next morning she thought she was going to Kindergarten. I think I finally have her understanding that school is over for the summer and she will be going soon enough.

She also is now riding with just 2 wheels instead of 4 wheels! Kevin called me one day at work and said, "you are not going to be happy with me". I immediately panicked. He then went on to say that he took Victoria's training wheels off and away she went. :) She didn't even need help. It is so hard to believe that she is getting that big.

Logan is just loving the summer. He lives outside for most of the day. I am so happy that he loves to be outside. I don't know the last time that the kids were in the playroom watching TV and i am not going to complain either...i don't have to pick up all the toys then!

He also just got his first big boy bike. For the past two years he has been riding his sisters old tricycle and finally wanted his own bike. He loves it and is doing so well on it. The best part about it all is that I am getting so much exercise with them having their own bikes now. I walk about 2 miles each night with them, while they peddle along! Great exercise with me and they sleep great at night after a bike ride like that!

I went to my first yard sale yesterday...i feel bad saying that i have never been to one. I guess i just don't take the time to go to them, but our daycare lady told me that her daughter was having one and she had a ton of clothes, Logan size! I was so excited and went right over. I think I bought just about ever 5T that was available! He has so many clothes for next winter. I guess I need to get better at that.

Well, I better get myself back to work! We will have plenty of pictures to post soon. We are taking the kids to see the Airshow at the Rockford Airport. They have been looking forward to it all week. The Blue Angles will be there too, along with plenty of other things to do.

Have a great weekend!!!


Unknown said...

Have a wonderful time at the airshow! I bet your kids will be "sky high"!

Wow, if you lived closer to me I'd take you yard-saling to convert you. They are the best!

MommaHarms said...

Hi Heather!

I made you $2 richer today! I was garage saling and ran into your dad-in-law and bought a Baby Einstein DVD. (Natalie is addicted!) I'll think of you as planes fly over my house all night!