Thursday, May 31, 2007

Finally doing this....

I must say that this is the first time that I have ever been "tagged". So here goes it...8 things that you may or may not know about me...

1 - I used to use so much Aqua Net Hairspray (do they even make that anymore?) that my mom and dad used to take it away from me because I would leave a sticky, film on everything that was behind me. I still use way to much hairspray and HATE it when my hair gets messed up or out of place.

2 - I had my first accident (where i hit someone else) last week. Almost 30 years old and have never even had a ticket! I felt really bad for the lady since she had just bought her truck...unfortunately, it did more damage to my car.

3 - I will not leave my house in the morning till all the beds are made...even if i am running late...the beds still have to be made before i walk out. Crazy and scary i know.

4 - I will have my first ever surgery in 2 weeks...not looking forward to it.

5 - I can totally do without chocolate...but i love CHIPS!!!

6 - I had to repeat the 7th grade...unfortunately i am pretty sure that year i gave my mom and dad the most gray hair ever!! I was SO bad!!!

7 - I am afraid of the dark. I always have to run up the basement stairs because it is dark behind me and i think that someone may come up running behind me.

8 - I love to sit down and play the is such a nice way to relieve stress....I have plenty of that...for sure!

I will not be tagging anyone else, but if you haven't been tug and want to reveal your 8 things...go ahead!!!


Unknown said...

Hee-hee, I can just picture you as a teenager spraying on the aqua net and making your sausage curl bangs (that's what I had) look just so. :)

Bummer about your car accident! Will your insurance cover the damages?

I'm the same way with the piano though I never get time to just piddle on it anymore.

Karen said...

I had bad bangs, too...
what kind of surgery will you have? (if it's not too personal, of course.)