Friday, June 15, 2007

So much Going on...

Well, there has been so much going on...and there should be, we are right in the middle of summer! I love spending time with my kids and Kevin outside on our deck till late at night. They love the warm weather and being able to stay up just a bit later.
This week has been a busy one for us. On Thursday I had hernia surgery. I will admit, I have never had surgery and didn't know what to expect. So what did I do? I expected that I would be fine by the following day. NOT SO!! Last night I got no sleep and today, I made myself stay on the couch all day long. Kevin worked and the kids spent the night at their Grandpa's house so they were not here either. Do you know how hard it is to just SIT??? For me incredibly. There is no TV in our living room and it was to hard for me to go down stairs to the family room and I couldn't make it up on our bed to watch the TV in needless to say, I sat all day in the living room. So here I is 10:30 at night...everyone is in bed and I am just surfing the computer.
I am not complaining, although I do have a lot on my mind. When we first scheduled this surgery, I knew i was going to be off from work for almost 2 weeks, my daycare provider is on vacation so why not plan our vacation too. I thought it would be a perfect time to go. I still think it will work, but I have to take it easy till Monday. Unfortunately, that puts A LOT of work on my husbands shoulders! So Monday we will be going to Hidden Valley in Milton Wisconsin. The kids are so excited to go again this year.
I did put a couple pictures up this time...I can not find my camera cord so they are from our trip to PA back in March. I am sure my family will enjoy them...

Grandfather and Logan playing around...Logan adores his "FAFA"

Logan and MomMom...He loves to give hugs and I know my mom loves to get the hugs he gives too. :) He is so cuddly. I wonder how long he will be like that.

Victoria and Madelyn playing together...they did so well together and even had a sleep over.

Check Spelling Aunt Hillary and Victoria...I think they have similar smiles now that I look at this picture.
Well I better relax for a drugs are starting to hit me and I am not thinking so clearly anymore...Have a great weekend!!! If I find that camera cord I will be sure to post the 100+ pictures I have saved on my memory card. :)


Kelly Glupker said...

I hope you're feeling better soon!

MommaHarms said...

Feel better soon! Enjoy your vacation!

Ami said...

Hope you are feeling better! Enjoy your time off!! :)

Unknown said...

Take it easy, lady! Hope you're feeling up to your vacation come Monday!

Anonymous said...

wow, you're blog looks great, heather! i loooooove vince gill. welcome home. ...looking forward to hearing all about your vacation.