Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Here and There

First of all, I wanted to thank you all for praying for Little Ethan. I saw many names on their CarePage and I am sure that Ami appreciated it!!!

So what has been going on in our lives over the past few weeks? Well lately, we have been enjoying the nice warm weather that has been sent our way! It makes me so incredibly ready for spring.

We have been attending open houses for Kindergarten next year. We have a few schools as options and are praying at which one is where the Lord would want Victoria. This is a much harder decision for us to make than we originally thought that is for sure! I still can't believe that Victoria is even going to be in kindergarten next year! WOW!!! This morning when she was getting ready for preschool, I noticed that she was caring her book bag differently. She had the strap going from one shoulder to the opposite hip. I asked her where she learnt how to do that. She told me that the high schoolers wear theirs like that. ;) I just started laughing!! I also realized how much she is influenced by what she sees and hears. Very scary that is for sure!

As far as Logan is concerned, he is just to much for me to keep up with sometimes. A few months ago, we tried to potty train him and he wanted nothing to do with it! He peed his pants and just refused to go. I felt like I was a horrible mom. He was 3 years old. He should have been potty trained a LONG time ago! So his daycare provider and I decided that it was time to just put it on the back burner for a bit. So we did. I told Logan that he still had to wear pull-ups but he no longer had to go on the potty. I immediately saw a change in him. He was no longer as stressed out and he seems to totally relax!

So about 2.5 weeks ago Logan was taking a bath and out of no where he said he had to go potty. Well I jumped on that one! He got out of the tub and right on the potty and went like a big boy. A few hours later he went again and then once more before he went to bed! HELLO!!! Ever since he has been doing great. He has a heard time going at daycare...but can you believe that he holds it all day long?? Even during his nap! Over the last 2.5 weeks he has only had two accidents. He isn't so sure about the poopy part of it...but he is getting there. I am hoping soon because it is rather YUCKY when he poops in his underwear!!! Anyway, I am so proud of him and he did it on his own!!!! What more can a mommy ask for??

Well, tomorrow we are packing up the car and heading out to PA!!! Yeah! We haven't been there for almost 15 months and I am so excited to see my family. I was able to see them this past summer when they came out here, but I can't wait to see them again. The kids can hardly wait! We will be leaving tomorrow afternoon when Victoria's Grandparent/Parent day is over at preschool.

I will have some major blogging to catch up on when we get back. For pics, just this....have a great rest of the week!!


MommaHarms said...

Have a wonderful trip! I can't imagine that long without going "home"! I guess I am spoiled LOL!

Kelli said...

Wow, the kids are growing up so quickly. I can't beleive that Victoria is going to be in kindergarten!!! When I first met you she was just a little bun still in the oven. Wow! Congrats to Logan! That will be nice not to have to buy diapers anymore. Have fun in PA! Wish we could go with you! Take lots of pictures and tell everyone we said hi!

Shyla said...

maybe we could meet up so you can meet Jackson. no pressure! i know what it's like to go home and just want to see family. 484-824-1856

Jen said...

Hope you have a fabulous time! We are in the same boat looking at Kindergarten options for Sierra. I am not one for all of these open houses :).

Unknown said...

Have a great trip to PA! What a blast it will be to just veg at home with your folks.

Be encouraged about Logan, I've heard boys take much longer than girls to potty train. My friend's little guy just got potty trained before his 4th birthday!

a joyful nusiance said...

Is Ethan home yet??

Ami said...


It was great to see you when you were here in Pa. It meant alot that you came out to see Ethan at St. Christophers! Ethan is doing great! He started walking again this week! Thanks for all your prayers and posts!

Love, Ami