Wednesday, February 07, 2007

You know you are a Mom when...

I was recently reading on the Reads blog about knowing when you are mom. The phrase came to my mind this morning when Victoria came into our bathroom while I was getting ready for work. I looked down at her only to see one eye completely pasted shut and swollen. The other eye was not looking much better. She kindly looked at me and said, "Mom, I don't think I feel well enough to go to school this morning." I just smiled at her and picked her up. After trying to clean off her eye the best I could, I concluded that it was indeed pinkeye.

Our family has been passing around a cold since the day after Christmas. I started with it, it went to Kevin, then both kids got it. Sometime after New Years, I took Logan to the doctors because he woke up with a fever. He didn't have an ear infection nor did he have anything bad enough for MEDS. Oh well. We went on home and since then we have all continuously passed around something. We are defiantly keeping our local drug store in business that is for sure. :)

Yesterday, I felt bad for Victoria because she was just sneezing away. Her poor little nose was so red. Kevin decided that he would stay at home and take her to the doctor. He just called and said she has a double ear infection and pink eye. My poor little girl.

The reason why I say you know you are a mom have to change plans because you have sick kids and there is just nothing you can do about it.

Victoria has a Daddy/Daughter Ball to go to on Friday evening. Victoria got her dress from MomMom and it is just beautiful. It actually looks like a flower girl dress. I am praying that she can still make it to the ball. I haven't said anything to her yet because I know she will just be devastated.

Kevin also bought tickets to a dinner theatre for us this weekend. (Valentines Day present) We are going to go to the theatre and then spend the night in a nice hotel since it is a few hours away from home. We will kids come first when they are sick...

You know you are a mom when plans get changed and you don't get upset about not being able to get away. :)

Hopefully everyone is staying warm out right least here it is on the positive side for the first day in about 4 days! WOW!!!!


Anonymous said...

Heather-- I hope that the family gets feeling better. I will pray that this weekend works out. I think of you guys often.

S said...

Poor thing! It seems like sickness is never well-timed. We'll pray everyone gets better soon, so you still get away.

Unknown said...

Double-ear infection?!? That sounds so awful! I hear ya, as a mom your heart just breaks to see your child sick. I'll pray the Lord makes her well enough to go on her daddy date!

Visit us on said...

I love the dress Mom bought for her...Hopefully she can still ghet to go tot he ball!

Kelli said...

I hope the kids are feeling better soon and that Victoria gets to go to the ball with her daddy. Your weekend away sounds wonderful, and hopefully it won't be postponed, but I know your kids come first! Hope you all feel better!