Thursday, February 08, 2007

Another One...

Down for the count...Logan has joined his sissy. He woke up through the night with a fever of 102 and has "hurting eyes, like Sissy" to quote what he said at 4 this morning. Another cute thing that he said was, "I don't have pink eyes, I have green eyes. Mommy, I don't want pink eyes because that is a girl color!" Needless to say, he refuses to say he has pink eye, just hurting eyes.

Some good news was that Victoria seemed to be feeling a bit better this morning. At 5 AM she announced to the ENTIRE house that only her one eye was hurting not both eyes!

Hope your day is going well!


Unknown said...

How cute that he doesn't have pink girl eyes! :) Poor guy though. Are you staying at home with them both today? I hope you and Kevin aren't hit with the "hurting eyes" next!

Heather said...

Kevin has been the SAHD the past 2 days. I do get to stay at home tomorrow though. I just wish I could help him feel better. He is running such a high fever...I am such a wimp aren't i??

Reads said...

Sorry to hear of the sickness. I've decided too that you know you're a mom when you would rather be sick then to see your little one suffer. I can't wait to see picture of Victoria in her dress. I'm hoping she'll get to go!

Reads said...

Oh and by the way, you are not wimp, or a mom that is hard work!