Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Better Late than Never??

The presents have been given, the decorations are put away, and we are still thinking of all the food we ate, the laughs we had with family and the memories made!! I love Christmas! Victoria and Logan had a wonderful Christmas this year! We were able to spend so much of the season together as a family! Just the way I like it. We had a Cantata at church and Victoria had two Christmas programs at church and school.

We are finally back on our normal schedule...Unfortunately along with our schedule we are now all sick. Yuk...I am over it, Kevin is in the middle of it and Victoria is just beginning it. I am sure Logan will be getting it soon!! We have been having such weird weather here, much like the rest of you, that it is not killing any of the germs in the air!

Kevin continues to be busy and I am just starting our busy season at work! (Tax Season) I have been told that it can be a long few months ahead of me...I am looking forward to learning as much as possible, but hope to be able to balance being a mom, wife, housekeeper, laundry person...you get the idea!!! As always, Kevin is such a great husband and wonderful father! Many nights when I get home, he has the kids sitting at the table waiting for me with dinner just about ready!

Here are a few pictures from the past few weeks! Please continue to check my blog...I may not be able to update as nearly as possible but as always, I'm checking up on your blogs!!!

Logan waiting so patiently for his presents!!! He tried so hard to sit still, but it was hard for him!!

Victoria getting ready for her school program...i "ragged" her hair. Her hair was so curly; she told me she felt so grown up with curly hair!

Victoria was an angle in her program! Imagine that! :)

Logan loves smiling for the camera!

Like father, Like son. A hat and a toothpick! :) Logan loves to be just like his daddy!!!


Kelly Glupker said...

Hi Heather!
It was nice to see your update. I hope you all start feeling better soon. We got sick over Christmas break as well. Seems like EVERYBODY is coming down with something.

Jocelyn Pagano said...


The kids look so cute. I used to love putting rags in my hair to curl it. Now, it is naturally curly so I no longer have to do that. Everybody here is sick too. I got a cold after Thanksgiving and STILL have it. It started to get better when I finally went to the Dr. for meds, but now they have run out and it is getting bad again. We don't have any snow in MN which is crazy for this time of year.

Kelli said...

Thanks for the pictures! They look so grown up and it has only been a few months since we have seen them. Logan looks like Victoria in that first picture. Glad you guys had a great Christmas. Love the picture of Logan and Kevin with thier hats and toothpicks. Hope everyone feels better soon!

Unknown said...

Ick, now that I'm a mom I know how yucky it is to pass around illnesses. Is it just me or was this December worse than normal for the flu virus? We've been having a mild winter too (except for today and yesterday); that must be part of it.

How do you "rag" Victoria's hair? Is it like sponge curlers but without the sponge parts? She sure looked the part of an angel!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Hey Girl! I've been checking to see when you'd update :) The kids are so adorable! Victoria is a beautiful little angel!

Reads said...

Love the Christmas pictures. I totally understand it taking a little while to catch up on posting after a big holiday! The kids are getting so big!

the johnson crew said...

we all got sick after christmas too. it ran through our house for almost two weeks.

tax season... we only have to do our own taxes... and i really dread it. yuck.

that is so wonderful that keven likes to help out with the meals. it always encourages me SO MUCH when jas cooks and helps with the kids. (and i don't even work.)

God bless!
