Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Playing in the Snow

Well, it finally snowed here in Rockford. It snowed back in December, but it was way to cold to let the kids go out and play in it...so this time, regardless of the colds, I bundled them up and took them out!!!
Logan was at the doctors today, so I thought that we better make sure they were warm and that playing in the snow wouldn't last too long.

Layer #1
turtlenecks and stretch pants...

Layer #2

Warmer pants and a long sleeve shirt...

Layer #3

Snowpants and more socks...

Layer #4

Boots, gloves, hats and warm coats...Yes I did use tape to make sure that the snow didn't get between their gloves and coat...hey it worked!!! I am pretty sure that my parents did the same thing when I went sledding!

Miss Snow Princess herself

Logan wanted to make a snowman so bad, but the snow was so dry that it didn't even pack for a snowball.

Nothing like a warm glass of hot chocolate after being outside.

This little guy didn't even want to come in...he loved the snow!

They stayed warm and loved it...that is all that mattered. We had a blast!!


Jenny said...

Those are great pictures!!! I wish my mom had known about using tape to keep the snow out! I remember putting that many layers on and feeling like a warm little sausage out in the snow!!

S said...

It looks like you had as much fun as the kids! We haven't seen snow this season yet, and only seen it once last winter, so I'm not getting my hopes up.

Unknown said...

Your Victoria is such a ham for the camera! Her expressions are adorable! I'll have to remember your layering and taping technique as Chloe gets older. She still can't figure out how to make her hands work in her mittens so she doesn't really "play" with the snow yet. Great cups! Where'd you get those?

Visit us on www.facebook.com said...

I needed some new pictures of them! These are great. Thanks!

I want snow so bad!...Actually now I am ready for spring...I don't know what I want!

Does Logan still love his buzz lightyear?

Heather said...

Shannon...I had pretty much fun, but when I sent them on out and followed them, I realized that I didn't have boots and didn't dress myself to warm.

Alicia...someone gave them those cups as a gift! They love drinking from them...especially when i give them sugar-coffee. :) If they get up while I am having my devo's they want some coffee just like me, so they get a bit of it with tons of sugar in their own coffee cups!

Hill-I am so ready for spring...I can't wait to get outside and work in our gardens and go camping, but for now, we are just dealing with COLD wheather! Oh well...glad you enjoyed the pics!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Oh how fun! I love how you captured the layer up on layer progression! When you live in snow country-- you actually have gear to wear. When I was little, I remember putting plastic bags over my tennis shoes when we'd get an occasional southern "blizzard"! Your kids are adorable and it looks like you are enjoying them :)

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Fun! The tape idea is great! Looks like they loved it and didn't mind all the layers.

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Fun! The tape idea is great! Looks like they loved it and didn't mind all the layers.

Anonymous said...

Are you guys planning on coming over to PA. any time in the future? Jim and Trish

the johnson crew said...

your kids are so cute heather. it is SO MUCH WORK to get your kids all bundled for the snow... and then when you think you have the last mitten on one of them says they have to go potty and then they all say they have to go (even though you just took them before you started the process.) oh how fun.

how are you doing? your house looks so nice.


Karen said...

What little darlings! Your kids are so beautiful, Heather--I love seeing pics of them. Olivia has the same neat mug. :)