Thursday, November 16, 2006

Potty Training....

This week has been very interesting...

We are potty training Logan. That is all I need to say! It has defiantly been a goal of mine to get him potty trained before he turns three. I was beginning to doubt that I would even start before his 3rd birthday, but this week has gone...not necessarily smooth, but we have taken steps toward the right direction that is for sure! He has about 1 accident a day. Not it?

We have one problem though...

The first time he accomplished getting his legs, seat, and everything around him wet!!! Not sure how that happened. Well, I do know, but I will not go into it. The next time, he cried about sitting on the toilet because he didn't want to get his legs all wet again! So I told him we would sit there and push "it" down and stuff a piece of toilet paper there...not sure what the toilet paper would do, but I figured it would give him something to do.

The next time he went, he didn't get wet, but the floor around the toilet did, and I mean like a stinkn' large puddle. Now mind me, I don't get upset at all with him. I just praise him, clean it up and then he gets his M&M's for doing such a great job. He sits on a toilet ring with a little "guard" on it. He refuses to sit on a little potty seat because he wants to be like sissy and the rest of us. Any suggestions??? Even if you have never commented on my blog before, I would love to know how I can keep the "PEE" in the toilet and not on the floor, on him and in between the seat and the ring. I mean, we are talking a lot of pee here people.

I am so proud of him. Buying diapers has been on our grocery list for the past 4 1/2 years. You bet I am excited to see them not on there as often!

I will have to take a picture some time, because every time we head to the bathroom, he stops my the basket with all of the magazines in it, picks one up and heads on into the bathroom with it. I guess he thinks that reading and toilets all go together...Funny...not sure where he gets that from.

So if any of you are potty training or have potty trained a boy, I would love a little insight to this ordeal. :) Meanwhile, I am NOT giving up!!! I am so proud of him and how much he has accomplished since last Saturday!!!


pamela s said...

OK, I know I don't have any experience with potty training, but I did hear this & read it somewhere else. Toss a couple Cheerios in the potty and play a game to see how many he can sink. I know this is for standing up, but with a stool it might help his aim. :)
Keep up the good work! I've heard boys take a little bit longer than girls, but with persistence, it's worth it! His kindergarten teacher will thank you! :)

Unknown said...

I can't contribute to the tips, but I'll be watching closely to see what I can glean. I'm hoping to start potty training Chloe before her 2nd birthday - around 21 months is my goal. We'll see!

Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

I know i don't have boys, but from friends and my sister they have all used the cheerio idea. My sister said it worked better to have daddy help with this because he can show him by example. So have Kevin toss some cheerios in the potty and aim. Since Logan is almost three he might be tall enough not to use a stool and you won't have to worry about peeing on the stool and slipping. Good Luck!

Jocelyn Pagano said...

I don't have much experience with potty training, but when we babysat my Pastor's son and he was potty training, we sat him on the toilet facing backwards. This helps keep the "wetness" contained. Good luck.

carissa said...

I'm totally with Jocelyn!! That's how Andrew got potty trained by sitting backwards on the potty. That way, he's pointing down already...he doesn't even need to aim :) I'm proud of you. My twins are 20 mo. old today and I am so excited that within the next year, I'll be diaper free too!! Hallelujah!! Eden keeps taking her diaper off before she poops though and leaving a "cow pie" for me....she may be getting ready :) how annoying though!!

carissa said...

oh yeah, LOVE the kid's rooms and your home!!

Visit us on said...

Jamies comment gave me a good laugh! Kevin...Cheerios...Aiming...thats funny!

Kelli said...

I know I don't have any advice from experience, but I am looking forward to learning from you what worked with Logan! Consistency would be key, I woudl think! Good luck and make sure to take a picture of him grabbing a magazine. That is priceless!

christina said...

believe it or not....cheerios are a great tool! i have tons of little boy cousins and i always ended up babysitting when they were potty training. sitting backwards was great too. learned that one the hard way. one of my cousins went into the bathroom saying he could do it himself. then i hear, "no, no! down! down!" i knew the floor would be soaked by the time i got in there. :)

the johnson crew said...

all these comments were absolutely hilarious to read!

i have been given a lot of potty training advise... such as the cherios and also watching by "daddy's example." bla bla bla... and i am sure that is all good.

my boys turned 3 in july. i feel like i am teaching junior highers to pee. they are old enough and skilled enough to be potty trained, but the trouble we are dealing with is that they are too busy to go potty.

i have tried everything. i try to set at timer and and then remind them to go every half hour or so, but sometimes they still wet. i tried using just little boy briefs and then a plastic liner, but that was a mess. about 3 weeks ago, preston peed all over a pile of books... and our carpet.

i am not exactly a success story, but i just use pull ups and do my best to praise them when it stays dry all day. m&ms help some, but doesn't totally motivate them.

God knows. hopefully someday soon!


Anonymous said...

Hi Heather!

Now I know what I have to look forward to! You should have warned us before we decided to have kids! Glad I found your blog!
