Saturday, November 25, 2006

Happy Birthday...

Happy Birthday, Logan!!
I remember when I found out we were going to have a second child. He was a BIG surprise and I was still adjusting to having a 5 month old who still wasn't sleeping through the night. I remember thinking, "How am I going to have enough energy to take care of two children?" Although at first it was not easy, I am love being a mom to two children that close in age.
I had always wanted to have a child around the holidays, but now that it has happened I always feel bad for him having to share his birthday with a holiday! We had his birthday party on Thanksgiving and then today on his actual birthday, it was just a regular day. I told Kevin next year we will give him a birthday party not on the same day as Thanksgiving.
He is a special little man in my life. He is so sensitive and he loves helping me do just about anything! It is hard to believe that he is 3 years old today and that he is growing up so fast!!!
We are still working on the getting potty trained. Some days are better than others, but that is mostly my fault. Like started out great but then this afternoon we had to run an errand and I forgot to get him on the toilet when we got home. Most days he has one accident and he is getting really good at keeping it all in the toilet!!
Here are a few pictures I took of the day...

Happy Birthday, Logan!!!

Hey, look just like my daddy!!! Carhart coat and all!!

He is getting pretty good at opening presents!!!

Just a few other going-ons here in the Watson household...

I decorated for Christmas on Wednesdays and Thursday! What fun it is to get ready for the holidays!! The kids are getting older and understand a little more each year about the holidays and why we celebrate Christmas.

Tonight while we were at a Youth Group activity, the Youth Leaders daughter (who is as old as Victoria) told Victoria that she is a sinner and if she doesn't get saved she will go to hell. Victoria told her that she wasn't a sinner and the tears started from there...we have been having more and more conversations with Victoria like this lately. Here is the conversation I had with her on the way home tonight...

Victoria, you do know that everyone is a sinner, right? Mommy is a sinner, Daddy is a sinner, Pastor is a sinner.

But Mommy, isn't Logan a sinner?

Yes, Logan is a sinner too. But we are talking about you here. You know that sin is disobeying Mommy, Daddy and God. When you disobey you make Jesus very sad and He wants you to be obedient. You need to ask Jesus to forgive you of your sins.

Yes, He will wash them out of my heart.

Yes, He will, but only when you ask Him to save you and to take your sins away. When He saves you, you will go to Heaven when you die.

How do we get to Heaven?

You get to Heaven when Jesus decides to take you there.

How do I leave Heaven?

You don't leave Heaven, honey, you get to stay there with Jesus and your Grandma.

The conversation started to drift to other things at this point...but what hard conversations these are...I want her to get saved so bad, but most of all, I want her to understand what salvation is all about. I love my children dearly and want nothing more than for them to be saved one day!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We are having a Thanksgiving feast tomorrow at church (more food, ugh!), then 3 holiday parties this week for work! Needless to say, it is going to be a very busy week! I am thinking I will be ready for a vacation!!!


Kelli said...

Happy Birthday, Logan! I can't beleive you are 3 years old already! I love your Carheart jacket; that is awesome!! Hopefully we will be able to come see you for your birthday sometime!!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Logan! He's such a cute little man. :) He looks so proud of his new jacket.

Wow, I hear you on the salvation issue with Victoria. I just know I'll be the same way because salvation of our kiddos is so very important. It sounds like she's got a tender heart - keep on praying and giving her opportunities!

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

I didn't realize yours were so close together! Any tips on managing a toddler and a newborn?

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Hey Heather-- thanks for your encouragement!

carissa said...

happy birthday to Logan! Thanks Heather for your encouragement. I've had many of those 'drifting' conversations with my kids....but I know God's Word is always alive and active and they catcth the little nuggets that they need during each conversation :) I was smiling at how similar yours was with ours :) Have a great day!!!

Jocelyn Pagano said...

Logan is so cute! Karise and I are 14 months apart too and have always been close because of it. That is great Victoria is asking questions about salvation. I am sure she will understand soon.