Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Much Needed Pictures....

With everything going on, I have had no chance to get some pictures off of my computer...I knew I had so many on there so here is what we have been up to lately....

These camping pictures are back from Memorial Day

Victoria jumping into their little kiddie pool that we brought with us to our camp site! They loved it...Especially since it was over 95 degrees all weekend.
Logan getting ready to take the plunge.

Can you tell they just LOVE each other!!!

Mel and Victoria showing of her new TATOO!!!

Logan getting his tatoo! Gotta love his smile!

Of course we had a few thunderstorms pass Victoria and Logan just hung out in the air conditioner and watched some TV! Gotta love camping!!!

Here is what Kevin has been up to over the last week....

Needless to say, he is glad that this job is done, but he did enjoy himself. I was so proud of all the hard work he did. He built it from start to finish! I just had to share it all with you...


Visit us on said...

I love the pictures! The kids look so big ( I say that every time!). Tell Kevin that the building he did looks nice. Is is a garage? It's huge!

Heather said...

It is a garage...i would love one that big...that way there is enough room for my car, his truck and all of HIS STUFF!!!!

I think it is something like a 4 car garage! Wouldn't that be nice...the guy that had it built collects old cars or something like that!

The kids are getting so big, aren't they! You should see how tall Victoria is...i am not kidding, i think she shot up over night, and all of a sudden, she eats everything! Maybe she is having a growth spurt...I don't know!

Visit us on said...

I can't wait to see them!!!

Anonymous said...

nice garage! when will kevin be ready for another working vaca to pa? i need one of those!


Anonymous said...

and by the way, i don't remeber seeing any pictures of your trailer. you gotta send some.


christina said...

kudos to kevin's handiwork! and the kids look so cute in your camping pics. they have great smiles! not too forced-cheesy. :)

Visit us on said...

Dad, your not going to have room for a garage like that!

You'll be selling this house in 2 years!

Karen said...

Great pics! Your kids are so precious--I love Victoria's huge smile!
And great job to Kevin... isn't it wonderful to have such handy husbands?!

Kelli said...

The kids grow everytime I see pictures of them! They are so cute! We can't wait to get togther in August. Looks like you had fun camping! And Kevin, great job on the garage!

Jenny said...

Great photos of some pretty happy looking kids. It's fun to see them love on each other!

Heather said...

Hey dad...I will be sure to take some pics of the trailer this weekend. I will get some up for you soon!!! Acutally, I better go take some now while it is all clean and ready to go...maybe i will get some up for you tonight! Is that wishful thinking....nah...I will let you know!!!

Kevin calls it the "COACH". He said it sounds better than a "CAMPER" :)

Jocelyn Pagano said...

You kids are so cute! I love camping! I need to make a point to get some friends together and just go!

Unknown said...

WOW, awesome garage! Can Kevin come out here and build us one? Seriously, what does he charge for something like that? Not that we could afford to do anything for a few years, just curious.

Look's like you all had another wonderful camping trip, eh? Logan looks so cute jumping into the pool!

Jen said...

Great garage! Steve actually is a salesman for a garage company. He did a fabulous job! I can't imagine all that work! Good to hear from you! Oh yeah I remember that summer trying to sleep in extreme heat on the 3rd floor of the girl's dorm - insane!