Monday, June 19, 2006


Hello Everyone! I am sorry for not posting sooner, but I HAVE A JOB!!! The last month has definitely not been easy, but God is in control. I am so happy that I serve a living God and that at the end of a day, I can actually SEE His doing in my life!
My new employer is RSM McGladery! It is an Accounting/Audit firm along with a Wealth Management Division. I will be working in the Wealth Management Division. It was created 5 years ago and started with only 1 person in the department. I am the 5th is growing so fast. They have already fulfilled 25% of their goal this fiscal year in only 2 months! I will be an Administrative Assistant to 2 Directors and 2 Associates.
I am so excited about it... I start on THURSDAY, so that means that I will have continuous benefits for me and my family! My nerves are starting to be a little bit more evident as Thursday comes, please pray for me that I will be able to remain calm and learn what I have to do!!
Thank you all to my family and blogging friends for your prayers. Many believe that I should be a stay at home mom...but during this ENTIRE process, I explored both avenues and prayed that the Lord would make it clear what was best for me and my family! In my eyes, He has and I am so thankful for the peace He has given me!
Thanks again!!!!


christina said...

how exciting! what an answer to prayer...esp. the benefits!

Kelly Glupker said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you! God is good!

Karen said...

Congrats on your new job! I hope it's going well for you. Praise the Lord!

And you know what? Being a stay-at-home-mom isn't for everyone. I firmly believe that.