Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Born Without A Face

We recently were able to meet a very special family member this past week. Her name is Juliana Whetmore. Some of you may recognize her from the TLC program, "Born Without A Face" and "Face Makers"
Juliana's mom and Kevin are cousins. Up to this point we have only ever seen pictures of Juliana and heard stories that her Nana and Papa would tell us. We have always wanted to meet her face to face and see this amazing little girl who has fought all the odds that are against her! Her parents Tohm and Tami are absolutely amazing! They are the strongest people I know. Tami is one who never gives up and is always ready to give it her all! Having Juliana requires so much more than we as parents could never imagine! It is a full-time job on top of being a full-time mother.
We were able to have Juliana and her family over while they were here. I was really looking forward to it! I never considered one thing though. Juliana looked different especially to a two and three year old. I never thought Victoria and Logan would look at her differently, but nonetheless they did! I didn't know how to deal with it. Logan was actually afraid of Juliana and Victoria only followed Logan's actions. WOW!!! How do you explain that to a mom? Tami and Aunt Colleen had to remind me that children are so different when it comes to things being different. We as adults know how to handle it when we see something different. Children do not...I guess I just never thought of that. Well, we are going to make sure we continue to talk to them about people being different. Regardless, of the kids actions, we did have a great time with them all.
Juliana is a strong little girl!! She isn't to little anymore. She is three years old. Just a few months younger than Victoria. She is able to hear when she wears her hearing aid. She talks with sign language. I think her mom told me that she now knows over 130 signs! That is so cool!! Juliana also continues with surgery after surgery and so so strong to come through them all they way she does. She was born with what is called Treacher Collins Syndrome.
Juliana, we were so glad you were able to come to Illinois to meet our family!!! We can't wait to see you later this summer!

Here is the link to Juliana's website. http://www.caringbridge.org/fl/juliana/index.htm Tami keeps it updated with pictures and what is going on in their life. I love reading the journal that Tami writes. Also there is a link to Juliana's nurse Jeane's site. She keeps her site updated with cute stories of Juliana.


Unknown said...

Wow, I'm just tearing up here looking at that brave little girl. I can't imagine what life must be like for her! How terrific that she has loving committed parents. How many surgeries has she had so far?

Kelli said...

I am so glad you were able to meet her! I remember you showing us pictures and video clips of her before. She is a sweet little girl! Maybe if you continue to show Victoria and Logan pictures of her and tell them how God made her different on the outside, but she is the same on the inside, maybe the next time they see her it won't be such a shock! I don't know - just a suggestion! I don't think you could ever completely prepare them! Glad you were able to spend time with Kevin's cousin and family.

Karen said...

Wow, Heather. I did see that special on TLC. How bizarre that she's family to you guys! What a little trooper!

S said...

What a blessing that you were able to meet her! That story is amazing. I was thinking about that same scenario of explaining those concepts to Esther, b/c of something God brought across our path the other day. Not that she understood, but when she does, how to do it.

Anonymous said...

this brings tears to my eyes... with laughter! hahahaa

montanashane said...

wow, wow, wow! i mean, ive never seen a case like this before. it makes me cry to think that very few kids out there have to go through this! i mean, i wonder how many surguies she must go through. i pray for you, little trooper.

with love,
Montana Shane

montanashane said...

wow, wow, wow! ive never seen a case like this before! i mean, it makes me break down and cry when i think that very few kids out there are dealing with this every day! i cant imagine the stares that her family gets...

with lots of love,
Montana Shane