Sunday, May 07, 2006

Birthday Weekend!

Birthday's have become special to me since starting a family of my own!
We decided to go camping once again this weekend! What a blast we had! The weather was beautiful (a little cool in the evening but for the most part...SUNNY!) and we had a great time with Kevins Dad and brother's families!
Saturday was my 28th birthday! I woke up to my kids screaming HAPPY BIRTHDAY and the rest of the day was SO much fun! We spent the first part of the day at the playground with the kids and then just TOTALLY relaxing! That is what camping is all about, isn't it?
After a LONG & BUSY week, we were really looking forward to getting out there!

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

I can see you, Daddy!

The playground was great fun and the kids had a blast playing on it Saturday and Sunday!

"No, you go!" "No, I am not going till you go!"

Mom, I love camping so much!! Are you sure we can't stay out here longer?

My favorite part of camping is just sitting around the camp fire at night! We have so many good memories of that!

Kevin was teaching Logan how to throw horseshoes! Logan was determined to get throw them as far as he could!!

We had a wonderful weekend and I am so happy that I was able to spend it with Kevin and the kids!!! Since we were out of cell phone family was never able to get a hold of me! Don't worry I got all the voice mails!!! Thanks for the calls!


Katie said...

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad it was a fun weekend. You're really starting to make me want to go camping!

Kelli said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday weekend! I am sure it was great fun to spend it with your husband and kids! Happy Birthday! Did you get our card yet?

Unknown said...

welcome to the 28 club! looks like you had a blast for your bday. nothing better than relaxing family time!

Kelly Glupker said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I want to go camping too!

Visit us on said...

Heather for some reason I thought that it was your 30th birthday this year. YIKES!!! I guess I was thinking Heath was 32 and you were turning 30??? I had to ask Mom that night before I called you to make sure it wasn't!

pamela s said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a fun time with your family.

Shyla said...

ok, so i have clearly been so consumed with this baby thing that i forgot your birthday!! HEATHER! I AM SORRY!!! If it makes you feel better...all day that day i kept asking nate if there was something i was it was your birthday! :( Glad that you had a blast! Looked like so much fun!

Karen said...

Happy Day! I can't believe how much Victoria looks like you! I can't wait to go camping!