Monday, April 10, 2006

Was That Just the Weekend that Flew By?

On Friday Kelli e-mailed me and asked me what I was up to this weekend....That seemed like ages ago!

Friday afternoon, I picked the kids up from daycare and took them to their Grandpa's house for the night! Kevin want on an activity with the Youth Group while I stayed at home. I don't know the last time I was able to stay at home by MYSELF for an extended period of time. Do you know how much one can get done when there is no one else at home?!?!

In three hours I was able to do 2 loads of laundry, a huge load of dishes (no dishwasher), scrub the kitchen floor, organize cabinets, vacuumed the entire house, dusted the living room, vacuumed under the pillow cushions, rearranged the living room, cleaned 2 entire bathrooms, stripped Logans bed and finally crashed on the couch shortly before Kevin got home! WOW! I couldn't believe how much I got done!!!

Saturday morning we were able to SLEEP IN till 8:00am!!! I honestly don't remember the last time I got out of bed after 6:30!!! A nice quiet morning of devo's and then we were off to Maranatha Baptist Bible College! We went to see the play Anastasia. They did a great job and it was so nice to spend time with our good friends!!

Finally home around 8PM to see our kids!! I missed them so much and they were so happy to see us!

We had a wonderful Sunday at church. The Lord has really sent us a godly man as our Pastor. Both the morning and the evening services were so good and taught me so much! (that in itself is another entire post!) Kevin and I both walked away from church last night so refreshed!

After church we had some of our good friends over and they didn't leave till almost 11:30pm! WOW! It was a little hard to get up this morning....but nonetheless....back to the grind of everyday work!!!

So that was our weekend...How was yours!


Shyla said...

Ours was busy also.
Friday night, Mr. Sanders gave us 76er's tickets, so we went to the game! Saturday, I had a wedding in Lebanon at 10am!! Then came home, worked on the basement for a while and then went to Jeremy and Rachel Price's house with Phil and Wendy. Sunday was busy as usual and here we are at monday all ready!
It was a full, but good weekend.

Kelli said...

Sounds like you had a very busy and profitable weekend! We had a great weekend and we are already looking forward to the next! We are enjoying this week because it is Mission's Conference. Sounds like you were too busy to get scared on Friday night when you were home alone! I wasn't scared either, I kept my mind busy!

S said...

I think the weekends go by more slowly now, that I don't have to dread work on Monday. I'm proud of you that you were able to get so much done on a Friday night - can't believe you didn't want to collapse on the couch first! That would've been my temptation. But...I know the feeling of when Esther's asleep, having the motivation to get all done that I can.

Unknown said...

holy mackerel you were busy friday night! You tired me out just reading your post. :) I LOVE the feeling of getting a lot done around the house. i usually just chip away a little at a time. How was anastasia? MBBC usually does a great job with musicals.