Sunday, April 16, 2006

Some Easter Pics....


Unknown said...

Your little Victoria is such a doll! I love her mischevious eyes. :)

Visit us on said...

Logan looks so grow up!

Kelli said...

I love the pictures, Heather! Logan looked so handsome! Love the short hair cut. Victoria looked so grown up in her Easter Dress! Thanks for sharing the pics!

S said...

Those are some cute pictures. I especially loved Victoria's dress, where did you get it?

Heather said...

Alicia - you think Victoria has mischevious eyes...i should have posted the one of Logans! He is just looking for something to get into. ;)

Hill - Logan is as big as Victoria now! He is now in 4T clothing...i skipped 2T & 3T because i knew it would not be long!

Kelli - Logan's haircut was a complete accident...i thought I was using the 3/4" size instead I used the 1/4" size. I didn't want it that short because then i can't comb it...but it will grow back, and I am sure he will be cooler with it like that. :)

Shannon - My mom got that dress, I think at Target! Not bad! Victoria loves to put on frilly dresses (thank goodness)!

Heath, Jamie, Julie, & Mady said...

Maddie loves Victoria's dress. She said she looks so pretty. She likes Logan's silly faces he is making.

carissa said...

Andrew turned 3 on December 18. He is a big boy!! Your kids are so cute. How far apart are they? My older ones are 20 mo. apart and then 27mo. then 12minutes :)