Thursday, March 23, 2006


Just a quick update. I still have not heard anything back from my Doctor. I have called a couple of times, but all they keep telling me is that my tests are not back. :( I am trying to be as patient as possible.

We are getting ready to have my brother down for a long weekend. We are so excited to have him and Kelli here. Logan loves playing with him and Victoria loves beating up on him. I will take plenty of pictures and post them later this week!

I hope everyone is doing well!


Shyla said...

doing swell!
hang in there girlie!

Janeen said...

I will be praying for you. I am sure this is a very anxious time to wait. God will give you peace!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the update, I have been praying. Let us know what happens. Trust in Him dear.