Monday, March 27, 2006

Monday Morning Sunshine

It is Monday morning and after a wonderful visit with Heston and Kelli this past weekend (pictures to come) I am sitting back at my desk. :( The sun is shining but snow is in the forecast once again. We did have an absolutely beautiful day yesterday, which was a reminder to us all that spring is just around the corner.

Shortly after I got to work this morning, my doctor called and told me that all the test results so far have come back normal. This is a good thing, but at the same time, it is not helping us find the answer to the problem. So she scheduled me for a Biopsy on Monday, April 3. The Lord is good and has answered our prayers so far. He will continue to take care of us because He is God!! I rest in knowing that! Thank you all for your prayers. It is such an encouragement to Kevin and I!


Unknown said...

PTL that your test results so far are good! God is good - all the time. Amen, sister. Keep us posted.

Our Monday is a GORGEOUS one as well. No snow forcasted for us thank the Lord.

Janeen said...

Glad to hear that all is well so far. I have been praying for you. Keep us up to date on what is going on.


Karen said...

So far so good, Heather. But I understand you must be a little frustrated anyway. I'll pray for you on the 3rd. You're doin' great! Keep trusting!